- 2
#35 opened by polrus - 1
- 3
How to handle FDR of 0 and -inf/inf NES?
#33 opened by benwilks - 6
runtime error in running blitzgsea
#32 opened by robinpaul85 - 5
Question about signature_cache parameter
#31 opened by yihming - 3
are there cases for significantly enriched pathways found without any genes in leading edges?
#28 opened by tom-gome - 0
- 1
ValueError: x and y arrays must be equal in length along interpolation axis.
#20 opened by scottgigante-immunai - 1
two gene sets GSEA, DGSEA module
#7 opened by abearab - 1
Default value for parameter `symmetric`
#29 opened by bli25 - 4
- 1
randomness in blitz.gsea() results
#27 opened by jacqueline-alector - 8
Make interactive plotting optional
#25 opened by Zethson - 3
ES & NES signs are flipped
#23 opened by Hila-Sharim - 1
KeyError: 'xvalues'
#21 opened by scottgigante-immunai - 1
Inverted NES values
#19 opened by kohcl17 - 9
Error with `shared_null=True`: erfinv(x) is defined only for -1 <= x <= 1
#13 opened by scottgigante-immunai - 2
TypeError: FitDataError.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'lower' and 'upper'
#14 opened by MrOlm - 8
- 4
SystemError: <class 'numpy.linalg.LinAlgError'> returned a result with an exception set
#12 opened by MrOlm - 7
- 1
Why capitalize terms?
#10 opened by searchlie - 3
Testing small gene sets with blitzgsea
#4 opened by dinithins - 3
- 3
GeneSigDB term names
#3 opened by alexlenail - 2