A Meta-barcoding pipeline for analysing ONT data in QIIME2 framework
- 4
Looking for a pre-taxonomic assignment OTU table
#108 opened by irc47 - 9
metONTIIME Running Slow - Cannot Increase RAM
#109 opened by danuccio - 7
Problem with finding the path 'workDir'
#110 opened by sebastianavalon - 10
AssignTaxonomy error exit status 137
#83 opened by tjlim10 - 2
Assign Taxonomy Error Unclear
#107 opened by irc47 - 1
Does MetONTIIME perform demultiplex?
#106 opened by tjlim10 - 7
Error executing process > 'concatenateFastq'
#104 opened by isa-wilson - 2
CollapseTables only makes level 1 with greengenes DB
#105 opened by irc47 - 33
The following IDs are not present in the metadata
#103 opened by ShareiFae - 12
- 6
Error executing derepSeq involving Vsearch
#100 opened by danuccio - 3
Error executing process > 'assignTaxonomy
#102 opened by anilchauhanhp9 - 5
- 4
import fasta files
#98 opened by anilchauhanhp9 - 2
--maxNumReads set to more than 50000
#97 opened by leakrema - 6
Error executing 'derepSeq' process during analysis with provided example data
#96 opened by linxavier1 - 1
- 2
Cannot re-open Issue at
#95 opened by richelbilderbeek - 10
Minimal-but-complete set of example files, say, below 1 MB, to work with the supplied config file?
#93 opened by richelbilderbeek - 2
- 1
Run MetONTIIME on GitHub Actions with Docker: Process requirement exceeds available CPUs -- req: 6; avail: 4
#91 opened by richelbilderbeek - 1
- 1
Can run MetONTIIME on a local computer? If yes: call sbatch on non-HPC hardware?
#89 opened by richelbilderbeek - 2
- 13
Error executing process > 'concatenateFastq'
#87 opened by ianm0001 - 2
Combining output files
#85 opened by annegilewski - 1
deprepSeq not created
#86 opened by ObRICa - 16
Error executing process > 'downsampleFastq'
#84 opened by erazzolini - 3
Error 137 on Docker
#82 opened by annegilewski - 6
Switching to GreenGenes db
#81 opened by annegilewski - 24
Failure to Launch...
#80 opened by annegilewski - 4
Large amount unclassified with Blast
#79 opened by BirgitRijvers - 3
Taxonomy_tsv file
#78 opened by leakrema - 13
Large dataset advice
#77 opened by BirgitRijvers - 11
Process error
#76 opened by ObRICa - 3
Taxonomic assignment - 50%+ unassigned reads
#75 opened by mzakram219 - 15
Assistance with MetONTIIME
#74 opened by annegilewski - 5
- 4
process killed in 'assign taxonomy'
#71 opened by dloukovi - 2
Adjust CPU and RAM
#73 opened by timyerg - 5
- 5
Question for running a large dataset
#68 opened by ShaelynXU - 2
- 12
- 3
folder 4e does not exist
#66 opened by joyleng - 9
- 18
No such variable: sequences_db
#65 opened by joyleng - 15
ERROR: process > diversityAnalyses
#64 opened by nbel15 - 11
- 12