Pinned issues
- 22
Add `Desktop.ButterChurn` audio visualization App
#26 opened by Marak - 0
- 1
Improve Theme Editor / Switching Themes Should Change Desktop Window And Text Colors
#77 opened by Marak - 1
- 1
Tracking Embeddables / Direct Linking / Hash Routing Updates / App Landing Pages / App Store landing pages
#75 opened by Marak - 1
- 5
Implement `App.Midi` for mapping MIDI inputs and emitting MIDI data as JavaScript Events
#74 opened by Marak - 0
Improve `App.Mirror` Camera / `Snaps` Mobile Experience
#71 opened by Marak - 4
- 1
- 1
Remove large files from main repo: Migrate `App.n64`, `App.nes`, `App.MidiFighter` to separate git repository
#69 opened by Marak - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 2
Window dragging behaves funky since the new update
#58 opened by Enubia - 1
Implement custom Markdown parser using `marked`. Chat Markdown Parser and Profile Markdown Parser.
#28 opened by Marak - 0
Add Volume Slider Control to top right of screen
#57 opened by Marak - 1
Entire Desktop should support Drag and Drop Event and understand Desktop's active app and context
#54 opened by Marak - 1
- 0
Opening window which is already open should bring window to front of view stack [regression]
#52 opened by Marak - 0
- 1
Opening Closing a Pond loses chat history / Refactor Pond and Buddychat Windowing Code
#44 opened by Marak - 9
- 0
Add `miniPaint` as default Paint Editor
#42 opened by Marak - 0
Clicking a Buddy Name in Chat Window should insert Buddy Name into Chat Text Area at Active Cursor Position
#37 opened by Marak - 1
- 0
Add Soundcloud smartlinks
#40 opened by Marak - 1
Adds more visual FX to CanvasVideo / Snaps / Video Chat. Expose existing FX options as form elements
#35 opened by Marak - 0
- 1
Site going down for now
#29 opened by Marak - 3
youtube `onYouTubeIframeAPIReady` events for `MTV` App and `IDC Cable` App youtube should be separated
#13 opened by Marak - 3
- 0
Implement `Invite A Buddy` feature / Import all the Googled Discordiã Twittered Facebroke Buddies
#22 opened by Marak - 3
Add linting files
#27 opened by fzn0x - 0
- 0
Adding new features to `App.buddylist`
#18 opened by Marak - 1
- 1
#17 opened by guesant - 2
Fix / Replace current Emoji Picker
#1 opened by Marak - 1
Youtube iframes for Interdimensional Cable and MTV should inject on `Window.openWindow`, not `Window.load`
#2 opened by Marak