MfromB's Stars
Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs.
ESP8266 WiFi Connection manager with web captive portal
A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers
Blynk library for IoT boards. Works with Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, Particle, ARM Mbed, etc.
Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32
An Arduino library for sending and receiving data using LoRa radios.
Expanded version of the Espressif ESP webcam
Wemos D1 Mini (ESP8266) or Wemos ESP32 D1 Mini (ESP32) based universal shield for WLED firmware
Arduino Library for BME280 sensors
Reflow Master is an open source Toaster Oven reflow controller that includes both hardware and software.
This is an ESP32 (including ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3) / ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager, using ESPAsyncWebServer, with fallback web configuration portal. Use this library for configuring ESP32, ESP8266 modules' WiFi, etc. Credentials at runtime. You can also specify static DNS servers, personalized HostName, fixed or random AP WiFi channel. With examples supporting ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ as well as 5.13.5- . Using AsyncDNSServer instead of DNSServer now.
An Arduino library for the digital light sensor breakout boards containing the BH1750FVI IC
Kiln PID controller based on Espressif Systems ESP32 chip board with Arduino IDE.
Reflow controller with ESP32 and TFT LCD on board.
Library using AsyncWebServer to configure MultiWiFi/Credentials at runtime for ESP32 (including ESP32-S2 and ESP32-C3) and ESP8266 boards. You can also specify DHCP HostName, static AP and STA IP. Use much less memory compared to full-fledge WiFiManager. Config Portal will be auto-adjusted to match the number of dynamic custom parameters. Optional default Credentials to be autoloaded into Config Portal to use or change instead of manually input. Credentials are saved in LittleFS, SPIFFS or EEPROM. New powerful-yet-simple-to-use feature to enable adding dynamic custom parameters from sketch and input using the same Config Portal. Double or MultiDetectDetector as well as Virtual Switches feature permits entering Config Portal as requested.
An ESP32 based plug level electricity meter
Battery/solar-powered ESP32 TTN (LoraWAN) sensor for measuring temperature, humidity, air pressure and fine dust.
The source code for my reflow oven, WARNING use at your own risk. This project deals with MAINS VOLTAGES which can kill.
Library to calculate 18650 charge in Arduino environment
Complete step-by-step instructions »
ESP32 driven small weather station with focus on parameters usually not captured, including particle density for Air Quality and UV-Index
Code for the 180468 ESP32 Weatherstation
Demo of ESP32 Async Web Server for webpage access and OTA firmware updates, SPIFFS hosted html and css files, DNS for user friendly webpage url. Visual Studio Code + PlatformIO project.
WiFi termostat postavený na platforme Espressif - ESP8266 / ESP32 s využitím teplotného senzora Dallas DS18B20 na OneWire zbernici. Umožuje riadiť kotol signálovým relé ovládaným cez GPIO invertovanou logikou. Výstup je možné na základe firmvéru riadiť v automatickom režime s nastavenou cieľovou teplotou a hysterézou, alebo manuálne softvérovým tlačidlom. WiFi thermostat built on the Espressif platform - ESP8266 / ESP32 using the Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensor on the OneWire bus. It allows to control the boiler by a signal relay controlled via GPIO inverted logic. The output can be controlled on the basis of the firmware in automatic mode with the set target temperature and hysteresis, or manually with a softkey.