This repo is used to contribute to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and MDOP PowerShell module documentation.
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`Set-Volume` documentation mistakenly says `-FileSystemLabel` values can only be `NTFS` and `ReFS`
#3916 opened by jorgenpt - 1
New-ScheduledTask Example 2 Incorrect
#3899 opened by PaulDash - 0
Remove-IISConfigCollectionElement -Confirm Parameter Documentation Does Not Match Behavior
#3898 opened by git-johnson - 0
WhatIf support for commands
#3894 opened by Gijsreyn - 0
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Example of how to use Set-VMFirmware to add an EFI shim path (VMBootSource) ?
#3892 opened by atsaloli - 0
How can I know the detailed properties of object "SharedVolumeInfo" from FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterSharedVolume?
#3885 opened by pcgeng - 1
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Please drop the "New feedback experience" idea
#3735 opened by i3v - 0
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Export-StartLayout -Path .\sample.xml -UseDesktopAppplicationID fails to find the switch
#3858 opened by laymanstake - 0
Synopsis is require to beupdated
#3813 opened by sarita3011-bot - 2
Get-MpComputerStatus Properties Page no longer updated
#3712 opened by PhiZ-9 - 0
Get-VM -Name parameter "Accept wildcard characters:" is incorrect for only Server 2012 R2
#3768 opened by thegraffix - 1
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Example 8 multiline TXT records does not work
#3745 opened by spardoko - 0
Documentation is Wrong or Enable-WebCentralCertProvider has an issue
#3744 opened by david-garcia-garcia - 0
New feedback experience
#3716 opened by officedocspr4 - 1
Dead link to
#3718 opened by eabase - 2
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Request to add "EnableFullScanOnBatteryPower" item
#3651 opened by kahosoka - 1
`AuditLevel` default is incorrect
#3654 opened by BobVul - 1
Restore-GPO with -BackupId parameter recreates missing GPO but documentation says that should fail
#3656 opened by skawood - 1
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`start-wbhypervrecovery` examples seem to be wrong
#3658 opened by debuglevel - 1
List of Language Codes
#3664 opened by DontNeedNoGit - 1
Incorrect parameter in example
#3667 opened by asampson68 - 1
The NetworkProtectionReputationMode Parameter is Missing from the Set-MpPreference Documentation
#3669 opened by HotCakeX - 1
The QuickScanIncludeExclusions Parameter is Missing from the Set-MpPreference Documentation
#3670 opened by HotCakeX - 1
#3672 opened by LukeChan0221 - 1
Precision on UserId (Principal)
#3676 opened by jgranduel - 1
Undocumented Behaviour
#3680 opened by Air-Git - 1
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SourcePath not made clear it is relative to the hypervisor when executing remotely
#3681 opened by sammie-p - 1
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Quality: Documentation typo in start-transcript
#3688 opened by olivermegan - 1
Variable name mismatch
#3690 opened by HRISHIKESHTHULA-AMD - 1
Unclear how to use some parameters
#3693 opened by burnchar - 1
Set-MpPreference should mention Tamper Protection
#3697 opened by olliefr - 1
Set-ProcessMitigation cmdlet does not work on Server 2016 although documented
#3702 opened by anotherbridge - 1
Example federation service name should be updated
#3706 opened by amasse3 - 1
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Install-ADDSForest has a wrong argument
#3709 opened by egorpavlikhin - 1
The return types should be LINKED
#3710 opened by rafaelrruiz - 1
Example1 and description do not match
#3711 opened by OgJAkFy8 - 1
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Grant-VMConnectAccess is still working?
#3685 opened by fxzxmicah