- 00mjk
- ApostoliqueVyne Enterprise Inc.
- benevolarXFrance
- blevokUSA
- cassdeckard@AlaskaAirlines
- DracoMan671
- dyangrun
- DzejrouPrague
- flowman74Germany
- FumikiSAMAFumiki Game Studio
- Gamabunta57Passbolt
- HengleShanghai
- JakeLegendXIII
- javisar
- jeremyfa@lagamerie
- jiangzhuoTokyo
- johancyprichVancouver, BC
- L0FKABest way to rollback to specific commit is -> git stash then git reset --hard <commitid> then -> git push <reponame> -f
- LittleCodingFox
- MeinerI
- mrhelmutFlying Oak Games
- MrValentine7777UK
- nCoreDev HQ
- nikeedevim a student
- OndraVoves@cyberegoorg
- opconAustralia
- PandorymCanton, China
- Peru-SMindfulPlays LLC
- sagilioBeijing, China
- shaun-tierneyOlathe, KS
- stefanrbk
- tomspilmanSickhead Games, LLC
- turdfire
- wmltogetherPujia8 Studio / Team NEKOHUB
- xmoneron
- zhaoguohaoSkyStar Studio