
Still active?

Opened this issue ยท 7 comments

ZiadJ commented

It's been more than two months now since the project was last updated so I'm wondering if it's still under development. I like the idea of using UniRx for events and the upcoming debug feature got me excited but I'm not sure it's worth the wait. Thanks so much for sharing your work still.

ZiadJ commented

May be you might publish it on the asset store once it's ready for production. There a lack of free and open source solutions for behavior trees there. You might eventually create a paid version of it with tutorials if it catches on.

Update on this: I have a new job and things are starting to settle down a bit, so I'm slowly trying to get back into this project. It's been a few months since I've touched it and the editor code for unity is always a brain fuck, so it may take a little while before I have any really meaningful updates... but I'm back, none-the-less!

Would be really cool if I could get enough traction on this project to enlist the help of other (perhaps more experienced?) unity open source devs.

ZiadJ commented

You might want to have a look at this concerning the editor. If it's already available in the alpha version then you might want to start targeting it already.

Wow that looks awesome! Finally some flexibility in editor UI! That is the primary blocker of this at the moment because writing dynamic editor UI is a nightmare as it is... I do still have it working (albeit .a bit ugly) but with the new stuff it could be quite a bit easier. Thanks for the suggestion!

Update on this: The 2019.1.0 alpha is currently out, so I installed it through unity hub and of course none of the old editor gui stuff seems to have been ported over to this version, or I am unaware yet how to do it.

The XAML-ish copy looks like a GREAT start, just hope they keep making it more simple as they add features otherwise we get to the same place as before.

Creating a new issue for this. Thanks again @ZiadJ !!

I created a new gitter channel just for this repo at . feel free to join me there to talk at any time! :)