This repository is for documenting the design and calculation of indicators for ecosystem condition in Norway
- 0
Bias due to sampling in winter?
#185 opened by anders-kolstad - 6
- 1
Relationships between trophic level biomass
#172 opened by anders-kolstad - 7
scale and aggregate the connectivity indicator
#144 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Move flood frequency to R&D
#169 opened by anders-kolstad - 7
Explain the connectivity metric more fully
#146 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Managing spill-over effects
#173 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Reference values for enchroachment
#170 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
- 2
Add code folding
#136 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Add new release when the report is submitted
#168 opened by DrMattG - 1
List indicators at the top
#111 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Better tables
#151 opened by anders-kolstad - 3
Broken link to chapters
#148 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
No data in figures
#150 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
shapeLibraryPath is a closed project folder. Could we move the shape files to somewhere else?
#161 opened by anders-kolstad - 4
Validate FPI indicators
#135 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Add information to bird indicators chapter
#142 opened by ChloeRN - 0
Consider positive exponential scaling
#156 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
- 0
Make use of `targets`
#154 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Self-containd rmd file for FPI
#139 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
- 0
Relevance for wetlands
#133 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Find more correct cut-off piont
#124 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Move data to OSF
#121 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Remove Overview chapter
#122 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Figure captions
#116 opened by anders-kolstad - 5
Comments to the workflow
#94 opened by anders-kolstad - 4
Issues around using broad ordinal scales
#100 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Update figure x.17
#104 opened by anders-kolstad - 2
Fix figure x.17
#105 opened by anders-kolstad - 2
What is shown in FIgure x.24
#106 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
ANO data in the slitasje indicator
#101 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Comments to the introduction
#93 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
GRUK data in the slitasje indicator
#95 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Clarify mdirs 8-step scale
#99 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Choice of _Økosystem egenskap_
#96 opened by anders-kolstad - 5
Fun new bookdown error!
#108 opened by DrMattG - 1
Highlight functions that predict biomass
#117 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
NPP resolution
#112 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Original units
#115 opened by anders-kolstad - 2
- 0
Function to calculate %change
#118 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Estimating uncertainty
#114 opened by anders-kolstad - 0
Consider seq_len() and seq_along()
#110 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Update figure with new threshold value
#102 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Reference list
#97 opened by anders-kolstad - 1
Broken link
#98 opened by anders-kolstad - 2
Broken link
#103 opened by anders-kolstad