
Issue with V2.0 CAD

Opened this issue · 5 comments

maxsu commented

Hi all,

It looks like Doggo's v2 CAD model is experiencing some issues - From the web viewer:




  • There are left-translated copies of the right motor & shaft assemblies and the forward sheet metal component
  • Affected items are translated forward relative to the side plates and legs
  • Affected items are canted WRT the right side plate, so that their right mating faces are vertical
  • All other parts and sub-assemblies appear properly positioned


The DXF export of the v2 cad shows the same issues. I could not check the file in A360 due to the "Access Denied" issue.

I could eventually rebuild the model's assembly tree if necessary. Before I do that:

  • Can anyone else confirm the issue?
  • If the issue is more than an A360 cache glitch, is a repaired model available?

I can confirm the issue. Michael

Can you try checking again? I re-computed the model. I really have no idea why Fusion does this....

maxsu commented

Thanks for the update - the assembly looks good now.

The "Access Denied" issue persists. It was first mentioned in #31, where @mseedman had trouble with the Leg Linkage file. Currently, the Single Plate Design file blocks the import process:


TLDR;; I'd like to do a test: Could you create and post a brand new public link here?


This forum post lists possible access denied causes:

  1. The file could be archived
  2. The project may be inactive
  3. There may be a A360 team hub issue
  4. The current A360 build could be bad
  5. General access rights might not have propagated to a new user

I can rule out the last issue - I have no problem accessing my own cloud files, and I can import most doggo files. To partially rule out issue 4, I've done a fresh install with the newest fusion build, making sure to use the f360 cleaner, and run the installer in administrator mode.

A360 hub doesn't have public teams/projects, or any explicit per-file access controls. Further, given that none of the components have been archived, this is not quite a team issue, but a public link issue. Therefore, I tentatively advance the theory that the link itself is corrupt.

Cy has written a quick guide on public links for open source sharing - I'll assume the design admin obtains the public link directly from the top level assembly.

Lets suppose that link references an independently created object that includes references to all descendant parts - this is essentially the cloud counterpart of Full Doggo Assembly.f3z/DesignDescription.json. If these references go stale - for whatever reason - then the access denied issue could happen. Likewise, it's possible that regenerating the public link would fix this condition.

Conclusion/Next Actions: It would be easy to generate and test a new public link; it's feasible that a refreshed link will fix the reference issue.

  • If it fixes the issue -> consult autodesk support to prevent future regressions
  • If issue persists -> consult autodesk support for a fix
maxsu commented

I've made a post on the fusion 360 forums - the community may shed some light on the upload issue.

I've also found a temporary workaround. cc: @mseedman - you may find this useful.

Workaround: Import an Inventor 2018 Model

  1. Open doggo v2's public link
  2. Request, Download and Unzip the Inventor 2018 model
  3. Open Full Doggo Assembly.iam in Fusion 360
  4. Fusion will prompt you to bulk-select the rest of Doggo's files

This is useful for locally inspecting the model. One issue: this doesn't add individual parts or assemblies to your project - it bundles all of doggo into a single top level assembly.

maxsu commented

Good news! Autodesk support team has provided a provisional fix for the "access denied issue" (see this thread). The f3z file contained in Jeff.Strather's Full Doggo loads without causing the "access denied" error.

Upon inspection, it looks like they removed the two simstudies from the project's .f3z file. Jeff has requested a member of the Doggo team to discuss steps to fix the original model (see the thread).

(Security note: Jeff appears to be an official member of the Autodesk team, and the file checks out on VirusTotal. Use your discretion here, and wait for the definitive fix if there are any concerns.)

CC: @CrazyAZ , @mseedman