Cross-platform desktop app for the segmentation and annotation of images of museum objects
- AmbrosianiChalmers University of Technology
- ammachadoRed Hat
- ankitshekhawatBangalore, India
- bishopiaUniversity of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography
- BristolMuseumsGalleriesandArchivesBristol Museums Galleries and Archives
- catree
- CelineBoudierSololearn
- drakiulaBucurești, România
- ekrimmel
- ELKADUSUNhalifesiTurkey
- garymotz
- GRA0007@stevent-team
- GrahamEnigmaGIGAmacro
- hollyel
- irosyadiUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman
- JamiesHQBerkeley, CA
- jbestBotanical Research Institute of Texas
- joetmUniversity of Jyväskylä
- jreina@ShittyLabs
- kamilkabir9UAE
- KeyWeeUsrSlovakia
- MDShahrouq
- mjy@SpeciesFileGroup
- mychapati
- neosarchizoSeoul, South Korea
- NickAb
- nooitafEstonia
- plotg
- RaoOfPhysicsCOALESCE (UWE Bristol); ICCS, Cambridge
- rem5
- rogeriomarques
- rossmounceArcadia Fund
- sbearcsiroCSIRO
- shearer12345Altium
- steko@MibactIT
- t04glovern@First-Mode