Storyly allows mobile applications to have in-app stories in native iOS, native Android, React-Native, and Flutter platforms.
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Latest storyly-react-native using older SDK
#403 opened by vnvs - 2
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available to flutter web?
#383 opened by JgomesAT - 0
storylyLoaded method called with empty storyGroupList
#378 opened by mike192 - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - Tmp detached view should be removed from RecyclerView before it can be recycled
#361 opened by dmitry-emets - 2
Android Build Error 3.2.1
#375 opened by utkudenis - 2
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Firebase Crashlytics Crash: Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Scrapped or attached views may not be recycled
#357 opened by AuroPick - 1
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Dismiss button or Swipe to Dismiss not working if User pressed Action button and opened URL
#345 opened by DmtrPonomarenko - 1
Tracking Total Watch Time in Session
#315 opened by bkunat - 3
StorylyGroupRecyclerView.kt line 226 crash
#255 opened by MilindTestbook - 1
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Pod Compatibility Issue
#344 opened by karakusnavy - 3
[Android] Storyly View as a composable view
#290 opened by mike192 - 1
[2.5.1] Android build error
#324 opened by AuroPick - 2
Stories are not more clickable in minified build.
#321 opened by lupsyn - 1
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Tmp detached view should be removed from RecyclerView before it can be recycled:
#320 opened by mike192 - 1
Flutter Moments
#311 opened by rlee1990 - 2
Storyly SDK Layout Breaks on Orientation Change
#291 opened by bkunat - 1
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onEvent payload doesn't contain up to date "seen" state for groups and stories
#246 opened by ofreyssinet-ledger - 2
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Moments group not found
#253 opened by utkudenis - 5
iOS UICollectionView crash on 1.32.6
#287 opened by vanab - 1
Memory leak Storylypresenter
#289 opened by zakrodionov - 2
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iOS crash on v1.26.0
#239 opened by pwadowski - 2
Swift naming conventions for enums
#286 opened by bkunat - 3
iOS SDK: Custom Story Group Styling dynamic sizes
#285 opened by bkunat - 2
Skeleton view blinks for a moment while loading stories
#272 opened by o-nos - 5
RTL support - StorylyView's layout is broken when setting its storylyLayoutDirection property
#283 opened by sylvainAlexandre - 3
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StorylySDK for iOS leaks memory
#278 opened by lursk - 1
Memory leak
#251 opened by zakrodionov - 1
iOS crash 1.26.2
#258 opened by frabarbo - 5
iOS crash on 1.29.0
#263 opened by nboliv - 1
iOS storyGroupAnimation
#259 opened by frabarbo - 2
Android crash on v1.26.3
#243 opened by romanikv - 1
Android crash on v1.26.1 in React Native
#254 opened by cengselcuk - 1
Build iOS App with you RN SDK
#256 opened by yasinugrl - 1
ios build error
#247 opened by yasinugrl - 1
Storyly Latest Versions Fail to Build
#244 opened by rayliverified - 0
NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String
#242 opened by yasincidem - 1
Value of type 'StorylyView' has no member 'storyGroupTextColor' in spm 1.27.1
#232 opened by saitcihaner