Make the search button search the OBO site, not just ontobee
Opened this issue · 10 comments
I think I may have been the one to make the initial search button and wire it to ontobee. This was when we didn't have much content.
We not have lots of great content - richer metadata, documentation on principles, newsletter, etc. It would be great to be able to search this.
perhaps the search could allow you to search over ontology content (ontobee, ols), or content
or it's perhaps simpler if iit just searches the site, and we make links to browsers more prominent - remember both ols and ontobee are supersets of OBO so unless a filtered search is allowed we may be confusing people by doing the broader search
In the interim, a handy tip for searching over the site is google searches like this:
I see. It is not an easy task. I am happy to have contributed to the community effort as an ontobee developer. I am also happy to accept alternative approaches.
@yongqunh just to be clear, this is not about removing the ontobee search from the website, just to replace the front page search bar (which is positioned to suggest that you can search the website). The ontobee search is still active (and can be further promoted!) on the ontology pages, and we could even consider moving the search box there as well.
Right. In the earlier ticket about this (#2033):
Nomi: Normally one wouldn't have a search box in a header that searches some other site. Can we move this out of the header?
@matentzn agreed: "yes, I agree with you. Its odd to have that in the header. A prominent link "Search Terms" that brings you to ontobee would be better."
(Nomi): Yes; I would make the link "Search Ontobee" (and it should open a new tab to go to Ontobee - I realize that opening new tabs from links is controversial, but here we want to send a clear message that you're going to a different site).
I would like to say that Ontobee (or OntoBee) is a default OBO ontology linked data server. This was a major reason and motivation of how Ontobee was initiated as seen in the Ontobee paper ( Ontobee is a member of the OBO family.
Personally, I consider myself as an OBO member from the beginning. I would also be happy to become an OBO operation team member, and learn how to improve Ontobee and make it more integrated into the OBO system.
Thanks, Oliver
Hi Oliver, I know I'm not alone in seeing the value of Ontobee, and I hope my comments--that the location of the Ontobee search box on the site didn't make sense--did not sound like I was dissing Ontobee, because that was definitely not my intent! Indeed, as Nico said above, we want to keep Ontobee search on The wishes expressed in this ticket (and the earlier one) are (1) to make it clearer what the Ontobee search box is for, and that it does NOT search the site; and (2) to add another search that DOES search
Thank you for your kind offer to become more involved in the OBO organization! Someone will follow up with you about that.
Some notes for myself about searching over static sites:
- site-constrained google search is always an option
- lunr.js
- simple jekyll search (archived)
The latter options involve constructing some kind of JSON mapping between searchable text and the links that they should associate to, and the browser handles the text search (which means the overall search space needs to be light enough to transmit during page load and be searchable by the client browser runtime -- OBO site documents/ontology metadata should be fine for this)
Also, making a note for myself that there's some interesting discussion in #2033 about additional search modalities