Official code for FOUND: Foot Optimisation with Uncertain Normals for Surface Deformation using Synthetic Data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This repository contains the code for 3D shape fitting to predicted surface normals, as shown in our paper:

FOUND: Foot Optimisation with Uncertain Normals for Surface Deformation using Synthetic Data
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision 2024
Oliver Boyne, Gwangbin Bae, James Charles, and Roberto Cipolla
[arXiv] [project page]


  1. git clone --recurse-submodules http://github.com/OllieBoyne/FOUND
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Download the pretrained FIND model to data/find_nfap
  4. Download our benchmark foot dataset to data/scans
  5. Fit a single scan:
python FOUND/fit.py --exp_name <exp_name> --data_folder <data_folder>

You can use --cfg <file>.yaml to use a config file to set parameters. See args.py for all arguments, and example-cfg.yaml for an example config file.

  1. Evaluate all of our reconstruction dataset:
python FOUND/eval.py --data_folder <data_folder> --gpus <gpu_indices>

gpu_indices is a space separated list, e.g. --gpus 0 1 2 3


We provide our synthetic foot dataset, SynFoot, which contains 50K synthetic foot scans, with RGB, normals, and masks.

We also provide a benchmark multiview evaluative dataset, Foot3D.

Related work

Please check out all of our projects that built into this work!


If you use our work, please cite:

            title={FOUND: {F}oot {O}ptimisation with {U}ncertain {N}ormals for Surface {D}eformation using Synthetic Data},
            author={Boyne, Oliver and Bae, Gwangbin and Charles, James and Cipolla, Roberto},
            booktitle={Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},


If you have any issues with trimesh and shapely, see misc/shapely.md.