FIELDimageR: A R package to analyze orthomosaic images from agricultural field trials. This package is a compilation of functions to analyze pos-mosaicking images from research fields, and allows to: crop the image; remove soil effect; build vegetation indices; rotate the image; build the plot shapefile; extract information for each plot; and evaluate stand count, canopy percentage, and plant height.
- adamhsparksCCDM-CBADA
- AGurelAnkara/Turkey
- AndresHerreraColombia
- apinhal
- bobymathewUniversity of Bonn
- Carm1rUniversidad Publica de Navarra
- chippey
- dayaneclima
- dirceu-jrSmart Fit
- elyonsUniversity of Arizona
- filmferAzores, Portugal
- fms-1988
- frank0434WUR
- humbertofanelli
- igortiSweden
- itsjohnwardMeta
- IvanPrzOlCIMMYT-GWP-Wheat Physiology
- JeanAgostini
- jerevonZJAU
- jlzaratesLima, Peru
- JmAguirreL
- mdchia@anu-maker-club @borevitzlab
- murilomsCampinas, Brasil
- OldRavenNL
- pierotofyUAV4GEO
- poyntingUnited States
- rabbitbrVixfly Drones, VixDynamics Robotics
- rahulsinghk998München
- rmesendFresh Del Monte
- Saijin-NaibUSA
- sakhale2
- ScymnusRIPmine
- shanwai1234Fargo, ND
- stevenhwu
- wildintellect@developmentseed
- xiangyi-wangIARRP, CAAS (Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences