- 2 not accessible
#929 opened by pgleeson - 0
v1 issue: 504 Gateway Time-out
#934 opened by pgleeson - 5
- 0
Kill anon pods after 30 mins
#937 opened by pgleeson - 0
Displaying plots in NWBE broken
#936 opened by pgleeson - 0
Cluster issue: Migrate to API versions from Kubernetes version v1.26 or later
#933 opened by pgleeson - 0
- 0
Text search on repositories not working
#931 opened by pgleeson - 0
Update various packages in standard jupyterlab env
#914 opened by pgleeson - 0
https not working/configured for &
#930 opened by pgleeson - 0
Add option to add all files with one checkbox to Add resources to workspace dialog
#891 opened by pgleeson - 0
Add script to bulk add NetPyNE models as OSBv2 repos
#898 opened by pgleeson - 0
NWB Acquisition plot sliders
#880 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 0
Error listing repository directory contents with special chars in names - e.g. #
#868 opened by pgleeson - 1
As a user, I would like to mark/track repositories that I find interesting (especially ones that others have added)
#927 opened by sanjayankur31 - 2
Give more informative error when GH repo associated with an OSB repository is not public/available
#924 opened by ChrisFrench2 - 3
- 1
Update to the latest jupyterhub/jupyterlab
#916 opened by filippomc - 0
Documentation about user deletion
#906 opened by filippomc - 1
Long lists of resources don't scroll
#918 opened by filippomc - 1
Update version of arbor used
#871 opened by pgleeson - 1
Long lists of resources are not scrollable
#912 opened by pgleeson - 1
Significant latency in typing in search box on v2dev
#920 opened by pgleeson - 1
Cloning a workspace just hangs if you have reached your limit of allowed workspaces
#886 opened by pgleeson - 5
Allow more permanent URL for workspaces page
#887 opened by pgleeson - 1
Update to the latest NetPyNe release
#917 opened by filippomc - 2
Limit size of workspace images/thumbnails, otherwise they hide the workspace descriptions
#893 opened by sanjayankur31 - 1
Pagination does not reset when changing between My Repositories and All Repositories
#881 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 2
- 1
Limit tags to first N in repository list in "add from repository dialog"?
#889 opened by sanjayankur31 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 3
- 1
Dropdown Menu changes location When Clicking "Open Workspace" from Within Workspace Page
#883 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 0
Cloning a workspace should result in a dialog like Create workspace (with Go to workspace...)
#879 opened by pgleeson - 0
The success modal for creating a new workspace has the 'Create new workspace' modal behind
#878 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 1
Getting CORS header error on v2dev
#859 opened by pgleeson - 0
- 0
- 1
Workspace with no title?
#867 opened by sanjayankur31 - 2
Workspace filter: "create your first workspace" dialog is shown if filter returns no results, even if I already have workspaces
#866 opened by sanjayankur31 - 2
- 4
- 3
All Repositories count keeps changing
#882 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 1
Resource sync mechanism not working
#877 opened by SimaoBolota-MetaCell - 0
- 0
Tags on repos/workspaces don't support +
#875 opened by pgleeson - 0