LightGlue-OnnxRunner is a repository hosts the C++ inference code of LightGlue in ONNX format,supporting end-to-end/decouple model inference of SuperPoint/DISK + LightGlue
Pinned issues
- 0
Hope to support multi batch
#35 opened by dqiang - 6
MultiHeadAttention not supported
#32 opened by lvfengkun - 35
ONNXRuntime environment created failed
#17 opened by easonzhong123 - 1
#34 opened by jxhoh - 0
support for different sizes of inputs
#33 opened by GreatZeZuo - 1
- 0
Convert coordinates
#30 opened by ToNi981004 - 3
lightglue matcher time consume
#29 opened by NHMMing - 4
- 2
TensorRT C++ support
#16 opened by Gaozhongpai - 2
Is linux supported now?
#25 opened by dijiupianhai9 - 1
double free in LightGlueOnnxRunner.cpp
#24 opened by rebmaso - 7
Update to use the LightGlue-ONNX fused model
#23 opened by panda7281 - 9
Precision degradation issues
#21 opened by JingruiYu - 3
return descriptors?
#18 opened by antithing - 1
- 2
error: cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'cv::Mat&' to an rvalue of type 'cv::Mat'
#20 opened by JingruiYu - 2
Hope to support Linux platform
#19 opened by JingruiYu - 3