
index the unused points

pyedog1976 opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear authors,

I'm new in the field, and my question might be fundamental.
I'm trying to figure out a way to index the unused points when I project it to the range view surface.

I didn't find the related code in the repository, or in the existing issues.
Could anyone give me some help, please?


Sorry for the very late reply.

I'm not 100% sure, but these are simply the points after the first index in the indices, see

# order in decreasing depth
indices = np.arange(depth.shape[0])
order = np.argsort(depth)[::-1]
depth = depth[order]
indices = indices[order]
points = self.points[order]
remission = self.remissions[order]
proj_y = proj_y[order]
proj_x = proj_x[order]
# assing to images
self.proj_range[proj_y, proj_x] = depth
self.proj_xyz[proj_y, proj_x] = points
self.proj_remission[proj_y, proj_x] = remission
self.proj_idx[proj_y, proj_x] = indices
self.proj_mask = (self.proj_idx > 0).astype(np.int32)

So if you want to figure out the "non-used" points, then these provide you with the index of all non-projected points.

Not sure if it still helps, but it might help in the future.