
How to create cali.txt and pose.txt data from custom data

Closed this issue · 1 comments

First of all, thank you for providing excellent code and models.
I want to use RangeNet++ with my custom data.
I understand that I need to format the data similar to semantic-kitti.
So, I've labeled the data and converted it into .bin files, but I'm unsure how to create pose.txt and cali.txt files.
For pose.txt, it seems like I need to use surfel-based SLAM approach (SuMa) to obtain global coordinate values, but as a beginner, I don't know how to do that.
I would really appreciate it if you could help me.
Thank you in advance.

if you are just interested in semantic segmentation, you don't need poses or the calib.txt. RangeNet++ uses a single scan. Not sure what you want to achieve. Can you maybe provide more information on your concrete problem.

The poses and calib.txt follows the KITTI conventions: see jbehley/point_labeler#23 (comment)

For pose estimation on your own data, you can give kiss icp (see