

smileyr99 opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for the great work.
i want know how to use KNN,I set KNN-use to True in arch_cfg.yaml and infer
I've tested several sets of KNN parameters, but I don't even see a change after using KNN
By the way, this is my rangeview, I want to remove the blue dots and change them to pink dots, can you give me some advice on how to do that.

The kNN majority vote helps only if the majority of points nearby have the correct class (which is our assumption); therefore, the "blue dots" don't have a majority of "correct" labels in the surroundings.

The "label bleeding" is a particular problem of the projective approaches and therefore using something like a point-based method or voxel-based approach might help to resolve such issues. There are also more modern approaches, like Cylinder3D or MinkowskiNet that might be more suited for your problem.

However, I cannot provide you any more specific help as it seems not related to RangeNet++.