The ROS D-Link IP Camera repository. Link IP camera's in a easy and clean way to ROS.

Primary LanguageCMakeMIT LicenseMIT

ROS Connector for DLINK IP Cameras

A simple ROS python script to connect DLINK IP cameras with ROS.

Getting started


For this project to work you need to install the following dependencies:

  • OpenCV 3
  • ROS


Follow the steps below to install and run the software on your local machine:

  1. Clone this repo into your catkin_ws
  2. rosrun RODIPCa connect.py url [--name] [--password] [--topic] [--screen]
    • url (String): the url of the camera stream (make sure the url is a mjpeg stream)
    • --name (String - Optional): the login name for the camera
    • --password (String - Optional): the login password for the camera
    • --stream (String - Optional): the video stream to be used (default: video1.mjpg)
    • --topic (String - Optional): the name for the rostopic the data will be published to (default: dlink/image/compressed)
    • --fps (int - optional): the maximum framerate of the camera (default: 30)
    • --screen (store_true - Optional): shows a gui of the camera stream


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

DLINK cameras that work with this project

If you tested the project with another IP camera that's not in the list send an email to: Tim.Dupont@pxl.be so we can add it to the list.
