Chemical representation learning paper in Digital Discovery
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 17855461143
- ACDBio
- AntObi@WMD-group @ImperialCollegeLondon
- balloch
- Bio-OttoMarmara University/ Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Lab
- Clossant
- cpfpengfeiMIT
- furion-max
- gabegomes
- GanryuuTempCoding
- georgosgeorgosDTU Compute
- gokceuludoganIstanbul, Turkey
- gozsariChalmers University of Technology
- IfraSaIndia
- imnotdev25Soul AI
- jannisborn@IBM Research
- johndocsI'm John
- lipelopesoliveiraFederal University of Rio de Janeiro
- liu0ziqi
- MachineGUN001
- marcosfelt@Merck
- martinkremnicky
- mbackenkoehlerSaarland University
- NKM-MLSeattle, WA
- pctskate
- ramanujan1729
- rnaimehaom
- sandipgiri576IIT Kharagpur
- siero5335Chiba
- StephenSzwiecNorth Dakota State University
- suzuking1192Denver, CO, USA
- t-kimber@volkamerlab , @choderalab
- tcash21TCB Analytics
- xiaolinpanNYU, chemistry
- Yash-HaqueNorth South University