
Unable to takeoff , download the photo with the python api and maxtiltget

Closed this issue · 2 comments


While connected on the anafi (whose IP is and succesfully checking I can connect on the webpage hosted , I do experience python olympe not working completely.

I tried several of the examples you provide in the olympe/doc/examples, directory and I do have different outputs :

  • for the script after displaying quite a lot of logs (a lot with a green [INFO] and some with some errors takeoff ends by outputting an assertionerror
  • for the , I do have a ardrone3.PilotingSettingState.MaxTiltChanged state is unitialized
  • for the, the script actually triggers a photo , I do see the picture on the web interface of the anafi but the script fails to download the photo from the anafi with "404 Client Error : Not found for url :

On the web page, the version "on the Update tab" is 1.0.1

The log of the takeoff is linked to that message.


The 1.0.1 is a 3 years old firmware release. Please update your Anafi firmware with the Freeflight 6 application (iOS or Android), hopefully this should fix your issues.

@ndessart Thank you ; that was the point ; Updating to 1.8.2 solved the issue;