- 2
Consider providing an ARM build
#52 opened by daladim - 7
#46 opened by eyadkurdi - 1
- 0 example with Skycontroler3 issue
#54 opened by guzman109 - 3
- 0
EventListener example doesn't work
#53 opened by williamwanjia - 1
I can't use "moveBy"after connect my anafiFPV with Freeflight6 on my iPad.
#51 opened by GarineHHHHHH - 0
Video decoding issue using Olympe on Ubuntu 22.04
#50 opened by iaamp - 0
ardrone3.PilotingEvent.moveByEnd event is not accurate when error = interrupted
#48 opened by itsjustmartin - 0
- 1
- 1
make error detected by building olympe-linux
#27 opened by jrodbet - 3
Issue while running example streaming file. concurrent.futures._base.InvalidStateError
#28 opened by aliwaqas333 - 4
PDraw error introduced with release 7.6.0
#45 opened by lv-alerion - 0
Olympe issue (Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 1, in <module>)
#44 opened by eyadkurdi - 0
- 2
CPU load increases over time to 100%
#40 opened by iaamp - 5
- 1
- 0
Add video streaming for ANAFI Thermal
#29 opened by Brenn10 - 5
- 0
- 1
get Filghtdata
#35 opened by bear1004 - 4
Testing the real-time streaming example
#26 opened by menglaili - 1
moveByEnd() not triggered when MoveBy() is overridden by second MoveBy() Command
#20 opened by myke239 - 1
installation SDK and code script
#39 opened by Khaledsamir2021 - 1
No module named 'sdl2'
#34 opened by amirtronix - 2
- 2
Failed to import olympe on a ubuntu 20.04 : failed to load because of undefined time_local_format
#31 opened by jeremyfix - 1
- 3
Issue with repo init
#25 opened by Interaze - 1
- 5
Error during drone.connect()
#14 opened by gianlu33 - 2
- 3
build problem
#17 opened by tesla9 - 0
Remove info prints in connection_state function
#16 opened by smicker - 1
error in install olympe-linux dependencies
#13 opened by cartovarc - 1
- 5
- 2
Unable to change stream resolution
#11 opened by arumugamramaswamy - 2
Unable to change streaming resolution
#10 opened by arumugamramaswamy - 2
Expected 'timedout' response but received 'success' response instead in user guide example
#2 opened by cartovarc - 1
Connect to physical ANAFI via Olympe using examples on ubuntu16.04 (installed on vmware) failed
#8 opened by jinwandou - 2
Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault when using set_streaming_callbacks
#7 opened by Baptiste-Pollien - 2
- 1
#5 opened by shulace13 - 1
Connecting with the simulation drone
#4 opened by shulace13 - 1
- 3