Parrot-Developers/olympe example with Skycontroler3 issue

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Firmware up to date on parrot anafi and I'm using parrot-olympe v7.7.1

When I run it with the drone only it works perfectly fine. When I try to use the controller connected to my laptop, I get two issues.

First, when I connect on ip on port 554 and running the example unmodified, I do not get an output and a timeout happens in self.drone.start().

Why? Well because the _format_url method in Pdraw creates a proxy that uses port 654 and I cannot get the stream to work.

A work around I discovered was to supply a url via self.drone.start(url='rtsp://'). I am able to get a streaming output and the drone moves according to the fly method.

Once the stop method gets called, pdraw crashed when it trys to close via the aclose method, on line 467 in video/, when it checks if self._proxy is not None .

Why? Well this is due to _format_url having been supplied a url when start is called and as a result does not create the _proxy attribute.

Not sure what to try now, since I have a stream working in the work around, I will continue working with that and modify the aclose method or just let it crash at the end.

It took me awhile to figure this out so I am happy to supply with anything that is needed to fix this issue.