PRnet is a flexible and scalable perturbation-conditioned generative model predicting transcriptional responses to unseen complex perturbations at bulk and single-cell levels.
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- aletoliaWenzhou Medical University
- arrowifjnSouthwest medical university
- Boom5426University of Macau
- bowei-color
- daiyizheng
- Daniel-happy1
- Dongzhu96Li
- inoue0426Bethesda, MD
- JonathanEMillarUniversity of Edinburgh
- kaixuanDeng95华中农业大学
- KangBoming
- MastermindlessWyssZurich, ETHZ/UZH, Recolony, x-TOLREMO
- mosbahamine
- nicole1qInstitute of Computing Technology
- Nie2048
- odavalosUniversity of California Merced
- orangepyt123456
- pamonlan
- pumpikano@transcriptabio
- ragnorcUniversity of Cambridge / Francis Crick Institute
- River366
- shallymorri
- wantoup
- weizhendi@Guangxi Medical University
- WoutVanEynde
- wyh196646Beijing university of posts and telecommunications
- Yangliu9ReviRShenzhen