
Segmentation Fault by loading Layout with tab separations

PSotiriadis opened this issue ยท 15 comments

Problem description

Receive "Segmentation fault" trying to load saved layout, which contains vertical or horizontal tab separations. Launching plotjuggler and loading layout without tab separations, is working without problems.

Steps to reproduce (important)

- Describe your platform / Operative System.
Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS2 Humble.

- Check if the problem can be reproduced using the dummy data created by the command line argument "-t" or one of the files in the folder "datasamples".
Yes, I also receive "Segmentation Fault" Error!
In details, I start plotjuggler using "ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler -t" and I save the following layout under name jugplot.xml
I stop plotjuggler and call it again with "ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler". Then from 'File->Layout->load Data and Window plots layout' I try to load my jugplot.xml layout and I receive:

I am having the same issue

I hope to have time investigating this during the weekend

I have the same problem with the same setup ROS2-Humble on Ubuntu 22.04.
I am using version 3.7.1 which I downloaded from the official ROS repositories.


I have the same issue too.

To all of you folks. Can you PLEASE give me something that I can run on my computer to reproduce this?

Preferably a rosbag + the incriminated layout XML

@facontidavide I hope it will be helpful.
However almost all messages are not standard in bag file. If it is critical let me know and I'll prepare another bag file.

scrice commented

Still experiencing this issue on Windows 10 wsl2 Ubuntu 22.04 Humble.
Version 3.7.1 installed via "sudo apt install ros-humble-plotjuggler-ros"
Really hoping this can be patched up as it's a big wrench in my workflow

Problem description

Receive "Segmentation fault" trying to load saved layout, which contains vertical or horizontal tab separations. Launching plotjuggler and loading layout without tab separations, is working without problems.

Steps to reproduce (important)

- Describe your platform / Operative System. Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS2 Humble.

- Check if the problem can be reproduced using the dummy data created by the command line argument "-t" or one of the files in the folder "datasamples". Yes, I also receive "Segmentation Fault" Error! In details, I start plotjuggler using "ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler -t" and I save the following layout under name jugplot.xml image I stop plotjuggler and call it again with "ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler". Then from 'File->Layout->load Data and Window plots layout' I try to load my jugplot.xml layout and I receive: image

Same exact error

@facontidavide: Having the same issue as well. The segmentation fault showed up even without data.

Steps to reproduce:

Platofrm/operative system: Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS2 Humble


  1. ros2 run plotjuggler plotjuggler
  2. right click -> split vertically
  3. click save window/plot layout
  4. close tab1
  5. on tab2, load the .xml file

Plotjuggler unexpectedly closed with the following error message:

Screenshot from 2023-12-21 11-26-36

**Note: **
The error doesn't happen if not splitting the plot.

fixed YESTERDAY in PlotJuggler 3.8.4.

Not related to the ROS plugins

Sorry, how could I update it to 3.8.4?

apt upgrade?

Yeah! Already tried that but it's still 3.8.1

Screenshot from 2024-01-04 15-20-04

which version of ROS are you using?
You must wait for the release; I am afraid

I updated my system today, plotjuggler is updated to V3.8.5 and the problem no longer exists. Thank you @facontidavide ๐Ÿ‘