- 0
Video memory overflow issue
#49 opened by jtj01 - 4
About Patch Partition
#48 opened by Litoda - 6
checkpoint for the test
#27 opened by gcxamy - 3
- 3
Segmentation fault(core dumped)
#47 opened by djp123456789 - 1
s3dis array concatenate
#45 opened by ILOVEppt - 1
- 7
- 9
RuntimeError: CUDA error: the provided PTX was compiled with an unsupported toolchain.
#7 opened by linhaojia13 - 5
S3DIS Data process
#44 opened by xqq12121 - 4
The original S3DIS data contains some bugs data need manually fix it. xxx^@xxx
#37 opened by satyapalsinh10 - 1
Scannet visualization code
#43 opened by Cocoyufei - 2
The difference between PTV2m1 and PTV2m2.
#42 opened by mrsempress - 3
TypeError: Expected 'Iterator' as the return annotation for __iter__ of SMILESParser, but found typing.Any
#41 opened by Abdurrahman06 - 7
Testing of the Scannet dataset
#36 opened by JJBUP - 3
python pcr/datasets/preprocessing/s3dis/ --dataset_root ${RAW_S3DIS_DIR} --output_root ${PROCESSED_S3DIS_DIR}
#39 opened by shenggebiya - 6
s3dis preprocess
#38 opened by FT-Zheng - 3
How to improve the test performance on ScanNet?
#34 opened by zymhnu - 1
s3dis setting for stv1m2-0
#35 opened by meidachen - 12
reproduce test result using checkpoint
#33 opened by gyjung975 - 4
PTv1, shapenet, part segmentation
#28 opened by Jae-Seung-Jeon - 3
modelnet40 voxelization
#29 opened by JJBUP - 2
how to test/val more than one area?
#32 opened by Yiqingde - 5
- 2
Is there something wrong with package name 'ftermcolor' , should it be replaced by 'termcolor'?
#30 opened by eva-yx-wang - 3
s3dis visualization code
#23 opened by blank-track - 3
S3DIS preprocess
#25 opened by EricLina - 4
- 2
Nvidia driver version
#24 opened by linhaojia13 - 2
About Reproduce Results on S3DIS
#22 opened by Rongtao-Xu - 2
About the data augmentation on S3DIS
#21 opened by linhaojia13 - 7
Custom dataset evaluate OOM
#15 opened by GondorFu - 3
Model weights of PTv2m1
#20 opened by chrockey - 2
- 5
How can I download ScanNet v2 dataset?
#18 opened by linhaojia13 - 2
Questions about VectorAttention
#17 opened by KinyoungWong - 1
classification model
#16 opened by fw-codes-files - 1
Dose all 10000 points of every objects in Modelnet40_normal_resampled dataset are used as the input?
#13 opened by LiJin73 - 2
- 4
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- 2
- 3
#6 opened by hnuhyuwa - 2
- 10
When will the code be released?
#4 opened by gordonguo98 - 4
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