- AAlguacil
- AgentEvan
- AndreaPi
- ashunigion
- atiyo
- brechtlaperreNikon Metrology
- bryanvriel
- chenchenchen7
- danemerson13Carnegie Mellon University
- EdgeLLMRenmin University of China
- Enderdead@Purecontrol
- gmisy
- hb-huang
- iprapas
- jamolamaNew York
- jayroxis
- jlevy44
- junchen93
- Karl-JT
- leotam
- liuxu97531
- loliverhennighNvidia
- LuthienTinuvielShouko
- m9hCenter17
- N-Siddharth
- nguyenkhoa0209
- OrcuslcIowa City, IA
- prashjhaSouth Dakota School of Mines and Technology
- RahulSundarBio-mimetics Lab, Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- rodsveigaEPFL-SMILS Lab for Statistical Mechanics of Inference in Large Systems
- sazioVision Institute | École Normale Supérieure
- smao-astroLos Alamos National Laboratory
- StillerPatrickHelmholtz AI
- Tartaross
- whbrewer@genetic-algorithms
- wwiivveerrnn