
MazeBlaze is a maze-solving bot which find the shortest path in the given maze.

Primary LanguageC


Table of Contents


In this project, we will create a Line-following, Maze-solving bot which can find the shortest path in the given maze.

Domains Explored

Artifical Intelligence, Control Systems, Embedded C, Graph algorithms, Electronics, Basics of PCB design

Project Workflow

  • Learn to design PCB and understand the design of PCB used in MazeBlaze bot
  • Understand and improvise electronic components used in MazeBlaze bot
  • Testing Line-sensor-array, motor drivers and interfacing encoders.
  • Implementing left follow rule
  • Implementing path planing


ezgif com-gif-maker

File Structure

 ┣ 📂assets                            // Contains all the reference gifs, images
 ┣ 📂documentation
 ┣ 📂firmware                          // Code files 
   ┣ 📂1_lsa                           // Contains code for getting readings from LSA 
   ┃ ┣ 📂main                         
   ┃ ┃ ┗ 📄main.c 
   ┃ ┃ ┣ 📄CMakeList.txt
   ┃ ┣ 📄CMakeList.txt
   ┣ 📂3_encoders                      // Contains code for interfacing encoders 
   ┣ 📂4_line_following                // Contains code for line following
   ┣ 📂5_left_follow                   // Contains code for left-follow-rule and path planning
   ┣ 📂6_boot 
   ┣ 📂Components                       // Contains all the header and source files used in project
     ┣ 📂include                       
     ┣ 📂src 
     ┣ 📂esp-wifi-logger
     ┣ 📄CMakeList.txt

Getting Started


To download and use this code, the minimum requirements are:


Clone the project by typing the following command in your Terminal/CommandPrompt

git clone https://github.com/PritK99/MazeBlaze-v2.1.git 

Navigate to the MazeBlaze-v2.1 folder

cd MazeBlaze-v2.1


Once the requirements are satisfied, you can easily download the project and use it on your machine. After following the above steps , use the following commands to:

To activate the IDF


To build the code

idf.py build

To flash the code

idf.py -p (PORT) flash monitor

Future Work

  • Implementing better algorithms for Maze solving such as DFS, BFS, Djikstra's algorithm etc. on the bot
  • Improve on the design and model of MazeBlaze-v2.1
  • Achive higher speeds by increasing the efficiency of bot


Acknowledgements and References


MIT License