- abduld
- AgtLucasPlanet Earth
- amadeuzou
- angryjinyan
- ashvardanianFounder @ Unum
- bensanderAMD
- catree
- Essarelle
- farnoy
- fly51flyPRIS
- jamilbkFirezone, Inc.
- josecohenca
- kazel1990
- knokTokyo, Japan
- legokichiduxca
- lvchigo
- manishjhawarSOLNiX
- mattsincUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- MegaByte
- merlinzoneThe Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- ModMorphModMorph.AI
- nicholasmalayaAMD
- paralleloFort Collins, Colorado
- ptsantSwitzerland
- sunway513AMD
- syifanWilliam & Mary
- taesiriPlanet Mars
- vermashresthHarvard University
- vicproonCognitive Technologies
- xhwang
- xmikus01Czech Republic
- ysh329freelancer
- yuxianzhiBeiJing
- yw155
- zdnz
- zenvendof