
Join the team (post here to be added)

Opened this issue Β· 100 comments

stain commented

Add a comment to this issue to join the team.

There are no obligations in being a contributor except abiding by our code of conduct.

Happy to join

Me too!

Count me in too!

stain commented

Time for first call next week is being voted on in



Hi everyone!

Hi all.

Happy to join.

stain commented

Everyone welcome to join the RO Lite meetings. Next scheduled meetings:

  • 2019-05-02 20:00 UTC (moved from 2019-04-25)
  • 2019-05-30 20:00 UTC (moved from 2019-05-23)
  • 2019-06-27 20:00 UTC
  • 2019-07-25 20:00 UTC

Join call at

See rolling agenda at

mr-c commented

I'd like to at least observe, thanks!

HI, I would also like to join, thanks!

hello world!

stain commented

Everyone welcome to join the RO Crate meetings. Next scheduled meetings:

  • 2019-06-27 20:00 UTC
  • 2019-07-25 20:00 UTC

Join call at

See rolling agenda at

Oh, I have a conflicting meeting starting at 12:30pm. Will try to join later or follow up on the minutes.

Hi @stain - thanks for setting this up. I am a bit late to the discussion, but look forward to learning more about the work happening in the group. I'll try to catch up via notes. Cheers.

stain commented

Friendly reminder of RO-Crate call tomorrow or so.

Everyone welcome to join the RO Crate meetings. Next scheduled meetings:

  • 2019-07-25 20:00 UTC

Join call at
See rolling agenda at

Happy to join to the RO-crew!

Happy to join the effort!

Happy to help think about the validation challenges

please add me to the team :-)


stain commented

Friendly reminder that the next RO-Crate call has moved to 3rd October 2019 to avoid overlap with the IEEE eScience 2019 conference, including the Workshop on Research Objects.

Next scheduled meetings:

  • 2019-10-03 20:00 UTC
  • 2019-10-24 20:00 UTC

Join call at
See rolling agenda at

Hi, too late to the party?

stain commented

@folago just in time! :-) Is you?

Next RO-Crate call is tonight (sorry), see for details - we'll talk about preparing RO-Crate 1.0.

BTW, some team members have not yet formally accepted invitation on GitHub (@CaroleGoble @kylechard @alaninmcr @stuzart @scapella @jasonclark), login to to accept.

Yes, that's me :)

Sign me up

Count me in!

Hello. I'm very interested for apllications in chemistry. Anybody interested in this as well?

I'm in!

stain commented

Next RO-Crate community calls:

  • 2020-01-23 20:00 UTC (daylight savings -Europe -US +Australia)
  • 2020-02-27 20:00 UTC
  • 2020-03-26 20:00 UTC (daylight savings +US)
  • 2020-04-23 20:00 UTC (daylight savings +Europe, -Australia)

Join call at
See rolling agenda and call-in options at

Count me in! Happy to join ^-^

I realise that I never actually added myself here - please count me in!

I am involved in a project which is actively developing with the RO-Crate specification in a Hyrax-based repository system (we are about to start prototyping an ingest function taking an RO-Crate as input). This is an open source project so I will be able to point to the results of this soon.

I'm also hacking together a Golang library for the RO-Crate specification - I'll put this in an open GitHub repo shortly - but it is a "spare time" project for now.

I have some questions which I will add as separate issues.

Please count me in!

Yes please!

Can I join.

Happy to join the effort!

Hope folks are staying safe in these strange times. I'm happy we have this work to keep us focused (and distracted!). Take care of yourselves and others.

I'm enjoying my first call with the group. Add me in please.

hi, please add me to the group, thanks!

Can you add me please?

Hi, would also like to be added :) Thanks

stain commented

This is a friendly reminder about the RO-Crate community call tomorrow Thursday 23 Apr 2020 (Friday 24 for some). The meeting is monthly on the 4th Thursday.

Main topics:

  • Updates from Virtual BioHackathon
  • Writing RO-Crate tutorials
  • RO-Crate Python library
  • Demo of Describo: User interface for making RO-Crates
  • Preparing RO-Crate 1.1 release

When & where


aka 21:00 BST, 22:00 CEST, 16:00 EDT, 13:00 PDT, 06:00 ADT
Thursday 23 Apr 2020 for most of us.

Note time zone changes for Europe and Australia!

Apologies to the Europeans for the late slot.


Note that next month there will be a new meeting room URL

Agenda / live minutes

Feel free to add news/publications/topics/links to the agenda, and please help take live notes during the call.

Hi All :))

Hello, I would like to be added too.

stain commented

This is a friendly reminder that we'll do the RO-Crate community call today (tonight). The meeting is monthly on the 4th Thursday.

Main topics:

When & where

The RO-Crate community call is:


aka 21:00 BST, 22:00 CEST, 16:00 EDT, 13:00 PDT, 06:00 ADT
Thursday 23 July 2020 for most.

Apologies to the Europeans for the late slot.


Agenda / live minutes

Feel free to add news/publications/topics/links to the agenda, and please help take live notes during the call.

Hi, everyone! Mark here from MyIRE ( My work at MyIRE has been in the same area, specifically in highly regulated and privacy centric industries like clinical trials.

I'd like to join the team. Happy to help how I can.


Count me in! :)

I'd like to join as well

would like to ease into collaborating here


stain commented

RO-Crate Community Calls

Regular calls are scheduled on 4th Thursdays of the month 20:00 UTC.
EOSC-themed calls are also scheduled on 2nd Thursdays of the month 08:00 UTC.

Note: We follow UTC and do not observe daylight savings, so double-check when your country changes their clocks!

Everyone is welcome!

Regular calls vs EOSC-themed calls

Compared to the regular RO-Crate slot, the EOSC-themed slot goes more in depth on connections with European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), OpenAIRE, and other EU-wide and international research projects and developments relating to Open Science.

Discussions on the RO-Crate specifications and implementations are welcome in either slots!

We are welcoming short presentations from the different projects; in particular for the EOSC-themed calls. If you would like to add yours, suggest it in the agenda.

I wish to join to your team.

Hello everyone! Can I still fit?

Hello everyone, can I join your team?

Hello, could you add me to the group? I'm trying RO-crate in our research project.

Happy to join! I came here mostly for discussions on maDMPs <-> ROCrate inegrations, but not only!

Hi - Please include me too! thankyou.

Hey, can I also be included? Thank you!

Hi, is it still possible to join the team?

Hello, I would like to join as well! (ORCID is )

Hi all, I would like to join, is it possible? --> ORCID -

stain commented

Also adding @rsiebes (#158)

Feel free to add me; Shaun de Witt (

Hi, I'm Shady from Opscientia - an Open Science Decentralised Autonomous Organization (DAO) building the Semantic Web of Science. We are exploring adding compatibility for RO-Crate in our Decentralised Science Stack! ORCID: 0000-0002-2318-4477

Hi - I'm Douglas Lowe from University of Manchester (, can I join too?

Hello! Can you please send an invite to the slack again? I wasn't able to sign up through the link! (

I am Xuanqi Li, a student from the University of Manchester doing Let's make scientific research reproducible: Tooling for Research Objects as the final year project. Could you please send an invite to the slack and add me to the group?
Xuanqi Li

Hi, thanks for the inclusion and friendly help at the Biohackaton! I would be interested to be added to the team as I would like to continue the work on integrating FAIRtracks with RO-Crate. I have also now joined the slack channel!

Hi, I'm Muhammad Radifar from Indonesia.

I'm a research software engineer, interested in FAIR research and its implementation. I would like to join and contribute to this community.

Please send me Slack invitation to

Thank you!

joining! 0000-0002-0003-2024


fils commented

Interested to join the community.

I am involved with the Science on Schema group ( and also worth the NSF funding indexing services ( Interested in ro-creates from both perspectives

Hi! I'm working on converting ISA data to ROCs and therefore interested in joining the community.

@jmfernandez Yes, that's the ISA data format I meant. Thanks for providing the links!

Hi everyone! I'm interested in joining the community. I've been working on adding automatic generation of RO-Crates for COMPSs workflow executions, and I'm using ro-crate-py library for doing so. I'd be happy to tell you about it at some point.


Hi all, I'm also working on a project to use ISA data in RO Crates and would love to join the community. Thanks!

Hi everyone! I work with @abigail-miller on the same ISA and RO-Crates related project. Thanks!

welcome jake!!

I do software engineering research and interested in applying FAIR to it. Would like to join

kinow commented

Hi there! Bruno from BSC. Planning to improve how Autosubmit handles provenance, looking at all the great stuff here. I would like to join too, please. Thanks!

Hi everyone! I'd like to join the team

Hi. I'd like to join the team. Thanks.

I would like to join as well please. Thank you.

I would like to join :)

Hello everyone! I'm Toshiyuki from the National Institute of Informatics (ORCID: We're planning to use RO-Crates as packages of metadata, provenances of analysis, etc. I would like to join the team. Thank you in advance :-)

Hi, I would like to be included as well.

Sign me up, please!

Would also love to join :)

Would love to join the team please :)

There is still an issue with anyone signing up to independently - basically we get >1000 spam request per day. Please reply here if you are NOT signed up to the mailing list and I can add you. This is a low-traffic list that mainly notifies you of RO-Crte meetings!.

Would love to join the team and the meetings. I am not signed up to the mailing list. @stain pls add me if you can, thanks!

I didn't realize how long I'd been missing the party! πŸ₯³ @stain, I'd like to be added as well. Many thanks.