- 4
- 9
updateBlock() returns bytes read not written
#77 opened by chrismck - 5
Use of Software-I2C ?
#76 opened by Greece2 - 5
Potential memory leak in the implementation of I2C_eeprom::setBlockVerify()
#74 opened by cmichailidis - 5
Version [1.8.4] - 2024-04-20 Get Failure
#72 opened by ClaudiusVi - 0
Fix internal length param to uint16
#70 opened by RobTillaart - 9
Compatible code for M24512
#68 opened by killerbeat12 - 7
Help with I2C_eeprom_cyclic_store
#66 opened by thijstriemstra - 18
Compiler warnings
#64 opened by thijstriemstra - 16
Support for WP-Pins
#57 opened by F-Schmidt99 - 25
Using the library in RP2040
#53 opened by jotamachuca - 9
Compile error for Arduino rp2040 linked to _wire->setSCL(scl) and _wire->setSDA(sda)
#55 opened by SebKister - 11
String structure bug
#52 opened by plaurenc - 28
writeByte / readByte
#50 opened by 4r53N1ck - 6
- 8
Suspected crash when calling begin()
#48 opened by djcaf - 12
- 5
- 1
update documentation and examples
#42 opened by RobTillaart - 8
- 1
Investigate Write with Verify functionality
#40 opened by RobTillaart - 55
Probleme 24C16 et I2C_EEPROM
#34 opened by PapiRuche - 9
AT24C128C can i use this one?
#38 opened by daeynasvistas - 9
#33 opened by damarcrazy - 12
read errors
#31 opened by K0rkunc - 3
Possible bug in EEPROM format example
#32 opened by djcaf - 1
example of reading/writing a cpp struct
#30 opened by mightycoco - 10
Issue Fix #21 (Addressing 24LC04/08/16) incomplete
#28 opened by thjean - 0
Elaborate unit tests
#6 opened by RobTillaart - 20
512kbit eeprom problem
#25 opened by K0rkunc - 2
24LC1025-I support
#24 opened by grais - 1
investigate updateBlock() , read a block before writing it, if it does not need to be written.
#19 opened by RobTillaart - 1
Support for Wire1..WireN
#18 opened by RobTillaart - 7
Device Address not working
#21 opened by AndrejValand - 5
- 2
- 2
- 2
#10 opened by RobTillaart - 5
#4 opened by maxholgasson - 5
Add autodetection of size and i2c address
#3 opened by aeakin1 - 1
Fix examples
#1 opened by RobTillaart