
Add 3D Lidar

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Since RR doesn't a 3D lidar yet, IGVC was kind enough to let us borrow their nice Velodyne one for our comp! It is way nicer to have a 3D lidar for obstacle detection, so update our lidar in the gazebo to match the specs of their lidar (you can look through their repo to see how they did it) (urdf.xacro and urdf). If you could give the option to switch between the two types (2D and 3D) it would be pretty nice too.

Right now our stack uses the 2D lidar /scan to make a map, so if you are able to produce a 2D map of the world with 3D scan it would be ideal! You can either make your own node or maybe look into octomap and pcl_ros.

I would start by just using the horizontal beam. It would just be the same thing as you have now but with a longer range.

You can talk to IGVC about how they are doing ground plane segmentation later if that is something you are interested in.