
Sign Detection

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Goal: Make a node that detects the direction of a sign in an image. Implement this using multi-scale template matching similar to that found here. If you do follow that guide, you will have to convert the code to C++ and make a new thread for each new template. The reason for multi-threading is that template matching can be kinda slow and we want to test multiple templates in parallel. It this case, each template would be a sign pointing in another direction (since template matching is not orientation invariant). Just publish a string:{LEFT, RIGHT, STRAIGHT) to a topic (/turn_detected) when a sign is detected.

Files Edited (at least): rr_iarrc/src/sign_detector/sign_detector.cpp

Success Criteria:

  • Node parameters configurable through the launch file
    • Make the publishing string topic and subscribing image topic configurable
  • Test it on cloud urban challenge bag files
  • Test with the Urban Challenge Simulation signs. We can add light sources if the signs are too dark.