Displacement From Accelerometer

This project uses an MSP432 and two IMU's to measure the displacements from the IMU's. The data is recorded on the MSP432 and then sent over to serial to a PC running Processing which will allow the user to graph the data and save it in a CSV file. I made this project for my Final Year project in 2016 for a research group so I had to remove any code that references this research so if you wish to use this code, you will need to modify it for your use, for example the displacement for only one of the IMUs is graphed as it was all that was needed for the project

Blog Post about project: https://roboroblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/01/measuring-displacement-using-accelerometers-part-1-calculating-gravity-vectors/

Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak7dvseD05I&lc=z13lc5p4yrn0fbc5n04cjbxztp3xv1urti0
