
A Collection of Papers and Codes in ECCV2022 about low level vision


A Collection of Papers and Codes in ECCV2022 related to Low-Level Vision

Related collections for low-level vision


Image Restoration - 图像恢复

Simple Baselines for Image Restoration

D2HNet: Joint Denoising and Deblurring with Hierarchical Network for Robust Night Image Restoration

Seeing Far in the Dark with Patterned Flash

BayesCap: Bayesian Identity Cap for Calibrated Uncertainty in Frozen Neural Networks

Improving Image Restoration by Revisiting Global Information Aggregation

VQFR: Blind Face Restoration with Vector-Quantized Dictionary and Parallel Decoder

Single Frame Atmospheric Turbulence Mitigation: A Benchmark Study and A New Physics-Inspired Transformer Model

Modeling Mask Uncertainty in Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction

Super Resolution - 超分辨率

Image Super Resolution

ARM: Any-Time Super-Resolution Method

Dynamic Dual Trainable Bounds for Ultra-low Precision Super-Resolution Networks

Learning Mutual Modulation for Self-Supervised Cross-Modal Super-Resolution

Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World Super-Resolution from Dual Zoomed Observations

CADyQ : Contents-Aware Dynamic Quantization for Image Super Resolution

From Face to Natural Image: Learning Real Degradation for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Super-Resolution by Predicting Offsets: An Ultra-Efficient Super-Resolution Network for Rasterized Images

Learning Series-Parallel Lookup Tables for Efficient Image Super-Resolution

KXNet: A Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Blind Super-Resolution

Image Super-Resolution with Deep Dictionary

Efficient and Degradation-Adaptive Network for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Adaptive Patch Exiting for Scalable Single Image Super-Resolution

Efficient Long-Range Attention Network for Image Super-resolution

D2C-SR: A Divergence to Convergence Approach for Real-World Image Super-Resolution

Reference-based Image Super-Resolution with Deformable Attention Transformer

Denoising - 去噪

Image Denoising

Deep Semantic Statistics Matching (D2SM) Denoising Network

Video Denoising

Unidirectional Video Denoising by Mimicking Backward Recurrent Modules with Look-ahead Forward Ones

Deblurring - 去模糊

Image Deblurring

Animation from Blur: Multi-modal Blur Decomposition with Motion Guidance

Event-based Fusion for Motion Deblurring with Cross-modal Attention

Video Deblurring

Spatio-Temporal Deformable Attention Network for Video Deblurring

Efficient Video Deblurring Guided by Motion Magnitude

DeMFI: Deep Joint Deblurring and Multi-Frame Interpolation with Flow-Guided Attentive Correlation and Recursive Boosting

Image Decomposition

Blind Image Decomposition

Dehazing - 去雾

Frequency and Spatial Dual Guidance for Image Dehazing

Perceiving and Modeling Density is All You Need for Image Dehazing

Demoireing - 去摩尔纹

Towards Efficient and Scale-Robust Ultra-High-Definition Image Demoireing

HDR Imaging / Multi-Exposure Image Fusion - HDR图像生成 / 多曝光图像融合

Exposure-Aware Dynamic Weighted Learning for Single-Shot HDR Imaging

Ghost-free High Dynamic Range Imaging with Context-aware Transformer

Frame Interpolation - 插帧

Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation

FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion

Spatial-Temporal Video Super-Resolution

Towards Interpretable Video Super-Resolution via Alternating Optimization

Image Enhancement - 图像增强

Local Color Distributions Prior for Image Enhancement

SepLUT: Separable Image-adaptive Lookup Tables for Real-time Image Enhancement

Neural Color Operators for Sequential Image Retouching

Unsupervised Night Image Enhancement: When Layer Decomposition Meets Light-Effects Suppression

Low-Light Image Enhancement

LEDNet: Joint Low-light Enhancement and Deblurring in the Dark

Image Harmonization - 图像协调

Harmonizer: Learning to Perform White-Box Image and Video Harmonization

DCCF: Deep Comprehensible Color Filter Learning Framework for High-Resolution Image Harmonization

Image Completion/Inpainting - 图像修复

Learning Prior Feature and Attention Enhanced Image Inpainting

Perceptual Artifacts Localization for Inpainting

Video Inpainting

Error Compensation Framework for Flow-Guided Video Inpainting

Flow-Guided Transformer for Video Inpainting

Image Colorization - 图像上色

Eliminating Gradient Conflict in Reference-based Line-art Colorization

Bridging the Domain Gap towards Generalization in Automatic Colorization

Image Matting - 图像抠图

One-Trimap Video Matting

Shadow Removal - 阴影消除

Style-Guided Shadow Removal

Image Compression - 图像压缩

Optimizing Image Compression via Joint Learning with Denoising

Implicit Neural Representations for Image Compression

Video Compression

AlphaVC: High-Performance and Efficient Learned Video Compression

Image Quality Assessment - 图像质量评价

FAST-VQA: Efficient End-to-end Video Quality Assessment with Fragment Sampling

Shift-tolerant Perceptual Similarity Metric

Telepresence Video Quality Assessment

Style Transfer - 风格迁移

CCPL: Contrastive Coherence Preserving Loss for Versatile Style Transfer

Image-Based CLIP-Guided Essence Transfer

Learning Graph Neural Networks for Image Style Transfer

WISE: Whitebox Image Stylization by Example-based Learning

Image Editing - 图像编辑

Context-Consistent Semantic Image Editing with Style-Preserved Modulation

GAN with Multivariate Disentangling for Controllable Hair Editing

Paint2Pix: Interactive Painting based Progressive Image Synthesis and Editing

High-fidelity GAN Inversion with Padding Space

Text2LIVE: Text-Driven Layered Image and Video Editing

Image Generation/Synthesis / Image-to-Image Translation - 图像生成/合成/转换

TIPS: Text-Induced Pose Synthesis

TISE: A Toolbox for Text-to-Image Synthesis Evaluation

Learning Visual Styles from Audio-Visual Associations

End-to-end Graph-constrained Vectorized Floorplan Generation with Panoptic Refinement

ManiFest: Manifold Deformation for Few-shot Image Translation

VecGAN: Image-to-Image Translation with Interpretable Latent Directions

DynaST: Dynamic Sparse Transformer for Exemplar-Guided Image Generation

EleGANt: Exquisite and Locally Editable GAN for Makeup Transfer

Vector Quantized Image-to-Image Translation

General Object Pose Transformation Network from Unpaired Data

Style Your Hair: Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer via Local-Style-Aware Hair Alignment

StyleLight: HDR Panorama Generation for Lighting Estimation and Editing

Accelerating Score-based Generative Models with Preconditioned Diffusion Sampling

GAN Cocktail: mixing GANs without dataset access

Compositional Visual Generation with Composable Diffusion Models


StyleHEAT: One-Shot High-Resolution Editable Talking Face Generation via Pretrained StyleGAN

WaveGAN: An Frequency-aware GAN for High-Fidelity Few-shot Image Generation

Supervised Attribute Information Removal and Reconstruction for Image Manipulation

FakeCLR: Exploring Contrastive Learning for Solving Latent Discontinuity in Data-Efficient GANs

Auto-regressive Image Synthesis with Integrated Quantization

PixelFolder: An Efficient Progressive Pixel Synthesis Network for Image Generation

DeltaGAN: Towards Diverse Few-shot Image Generation with Sample-Specific Delta

Generator Knows What Discriminator Should Learn in Unconditional GANs

Video Generation

Long Video Generation with Time-Agnostic VQGAN and Time-Sensitive Transformer

Controllable Video Generation through Global and Local Motion Dynamics

Fast-Vid2Vid: Spatial-Temporal Compression for Video-to-Video Synthesis

Synthesizing Light Field Video from Monocular Video


Learning Local Implicit Fourier Representation for Image Warping

Dress Code: High-Resolution Multi-Category Virtual Try-On

High-Resolution Virtual Try-On with Misalignment and Occlusion-Handled Conditions

Single Stage Virtual Try-on via Deformable Attention Flows

Outpainting by Queries

Geometry-aware Single-image Full-body Human Relighting

NeRF for Outdoor Scene Relighting

Watermark Vaccine: Adversarial Attacks to Prevent Watermark Removal

Efficient Meta-Tuning for Content-aware Neural Video Delivery

Human-centric Image Cropping with Partition-aware and Content-preserving Features

CelebV-HQ: A Large-Scale Video Facial Attributes Dataset

Learning Dynamic Facial Radiance Fields for Few-Shot Talking Head Synthesis

Contrastive Monotonic Pixel-Level Modulation

AutoTransition: Learning to Recommend Video Transition Effects