- 0
Adding translation reaction without utility function
#40 opened by FH96 - 0
Cannot build docker image
#39 opened by mheydasch - 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
biomass constituents
#35 opened by weif000 - 2
In,function binary_search()
#34 opened by weif000 - 0
[question] Auxotroph E. coli
#33 opened by emarquezz - 9
Access to MiniME or pickled version of iJL965_ME that does not depend on MiniME?
#30 opened by djinnome - 0
COBRAme workshop
#32 opened by fairquestion - 3
- 0
- 3
knockout gene
#25 opened by Mzohrabi - 11
- 1
#26 opened by Mzohrabi - 0
model.update() intention
#9 opened by hvdinh16 - 1
Acetate production prediction
#20 opened by emarquezz - 1
Specify metabolite compartments in JSON
#21 opened by coltonlloyd - 1
Remove <metabolite>.mass handling
#22 opened by coltonlloyd - 1
Add docker script
#23 opened by coltonlloyd - 0
- 1 met does not have formula
#19 opened by emarquezz - 1
- 1
Combine ModificationData and SubreactionData
#12 opened by coltonlloyd - 1
Allow changing StoichiometricData stoichiometry without changing hidden attribute
#15 opened by coltonlloyd - 1
- 0
MetabolicReaction should include
#17 opened by coltonlloyd - 2
[question] steps to add a new gene + product
#16 opened by cdiener - 0
Compatibility with COBRApy versions > 0.6.0
#14 opened by coltonlloyd - 1
COBRAme JSON loading
#3 opened by zakandrewking - 0
Linking enzymes to keffs
#10 opened by coltonlloyd - 0
Method to make Escher-compatible JSON
#5 opened by zakandrewking - 0