This repository is for the ECU-Core part of the Autonomous-Driving-System project. The ECU-Core is based on an independent RaspberryPi board and performs following tasks.
- Publish LIDAR scan data as ROS2 topic
- Publish depth camera image data as ROS2 topic
- Receive vehicle informations as ROS2 topic and convert them into CAN communication
- Control the execution of autonomous driving mode
We used YDLIDAR X4 and RealSense D435 depth camera in this project. For more detailed information, refer to the Autonomous-Driving-System project.
Ubuntu 20.04
Install Ubuntu 20.04 for RaspberryPi using RaspberryPi OS Imager.
CAN HAT setup
Follow the instruction of 2-CH CAN FD HAT setup and enable Single SPI Mode.
ROS2 setup
Follow the instruction of ROS2 foxy setup.
Follow the instruction of YDLidar-SDK setup.
Depth camera SDK setup
Follow the instruction of RealSense documentation. If you encounter issues while running the software installed on RaspberryPi, refer to the following page.
OpenCV packages
pip install opencv-python sudo apt install ros-foxy-cv-bridge
Python packages
pip install numpy pip install transforms3d
# Execute on the ECU-Core
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 run lidar_pub lidar_pub
ros2 run camera_pub camera_pub
ros2 run receiver receiver
ros2 run headunit_start headunit_start
The ROS2 topic communication is machine-to-machine. Make sure that both ECU-Core and local machine are connected to the same WLAN. If the connection is not successful, disable the firewall using the following command.
# Execute on the ECU-Core and local machine
sudo ufw disable
Context of CAN communication
Message | Purpose | Arbitration ID |
steering | Control | 0x00 |
throttle | Control | 0x01 |
x position | GPS | 0x02 |
y position | GPS | 0x03 |
orientation | GPS | 0x04 |
headunit start | Autonomous driving | 0x05 |