
Package for connecting ROS to Modelica, via an external C function and TCP sockets. Contains example code.


This is a depracated version of the modelica_bridge and ROS_Bridge packages, collectively called ModROS (and later ModROS-Modelica). To see the current packages, please go to one of the following:

  • ROS_Bridge:
    • This is a Modelica package meant to provide an interface with ROS. It operates using an external C-function, which runs a tcp/ip socket.
  • modelica_bridge:
    • The complementary package to ROS_Bridge, modelica_bridge is a ROS package which acts as an interface to Modelica, using tcp/ip sockets.
    • Read more about the modelica_bridge package on the wiki
  • modelica_bridge_examples:
    • This contains ROS code (nodes and launch file) to use as an example on how to use the modelica_bridge package. It is for the TwoSpringsJoystickControl.mo example model in ROS_Bridge.