
Simultaneous localization and mapping for a DJI Tello drone using the ORB-SLAM2 algorithm, and point cloud clustering for object identification

Primary LanguagePython

VRRL Tello Mapping and Detection

This repository provides a library which can be used to deploy SLAM for the DJI Tello Drone. The implementation makes use of the ORB-SLAM2 algorithm to create a point cloud map by analyzing the video feed from the drone which is communicated using ROS, with the DJITelloPy library used to receive the frames.


  1. Modified ORB_SLAM2 (with point cloud outputting) repository (All depenencies of this library must be resolved)
  2. The DJITelloPy repository
  3. ROS Kinetic

Build and execution example: real-time SLAM using the drone's video feed (no motion)

  1. Clone the master branch of this repository as vrrl.
    git clone https://gitlab.com/Salarios77/vrrl.git vrrl
  2. Add the SLAM_ROS directory to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH by the following line to your bashrc and restart the terminal console.
  3. Change directory to the SLAM_ROS package folder.
    cd vrrl/SLAM_ROS
  4. Change the set (ORB_SLAM2_DIR ...) line in CMakeLists.txt to refer to the directory where the ORB_SLAM2 library is located.
  5. Create a build folder and build the package. Source setup.bash.
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    source devel/setup.bash
  6. Run the Mono node from the SLAM_ROS package which will wait for the video feed from the drone.
    rosrun SLAM_ROS Mono ../../Calibration/ORBvoc.txt ../../Calibration/tello.yaml
  7. Open a new terminal console and change directory to vrrl/Tello. Then, initiate video recording from the drone.
    cd vrrl/Tello
    python FrameCapture.py

Running point cloud clustering

  1. Make sure you have a distribution of python with the right packages. Have roscore running in the background.

  2. Run the code to start a listener node.

    python3 pc_filter.py
  3. Run the ros command to convert a pcd file to a pointcloud message.

    rosrun pcl_ros pcd_to_pointcloud path_to_pcd

Other Notes

The camera parameters and ORB-SLAM2 vocabulary can be configured by modifying the files under vrrl/Calibration. See the ORB_SLAM2 repository for further information.