
This repository includes two projects completed as part of the coursework. The first project involves replicating a research paper comparing controllers for a differential drive robot. The second project focuses on implementing LQR and LQG controllers for a crane system using MATLAB. Both projects demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the cours

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ENPM667-Energy Comparison of Controllers Used for a Differential Drive Wheeled Mobile Robot

This repository contains the implementation part of the control's report. The code is executed on the google colab, to run open the below link and under the runtime, click on run all. The simulations and results can be selected based on the path used and controller, using the interactive menu present at the end. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Uhn3cgT9sAX4NjLMpZr2ruoCp80Q95L4?usp=sharing