- 0
Duplicated sequences in reference fasta
#42 opened by robbueck - 0
I must merge the Pair-ends metagenomic data together, and then starting running the panphlan mapping.
#41 opened by allen-zhan340 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 11
- 0
Index for manual {species}_pangenome.tsv
#37 opened by Hocnonsense - 6
Error running panphlan_map
#20 opened by sanpande - 1
- 1
Error running the sample a second time
#35 opened by namdeka - 3
- 6
- 2
- 2
Using RAST annotations
#29 opened by minna-miha - 2
reference pangenome not available
#30 opened by xzl0034 - 6
#27 opened by nick-youngblut - 1
Lactobacillus case and Lactobacillus paracasei
#28 opened by qinglong89 - 0 panphlan_pangenomes_links.tsv written to cwd
#25 opened by nick-youngblut - 0
- 1
panphlan bioconda recipe is incomplete
#23 opened by nick-youngblut - 5
- 10
- 0
- 3
working with mapping files - enquiries
#18 opened by GaioTransposon - 5
Duplicated sam header error in
#17 opened by AUAShen - 3
UniRef90 genes to function
#15 opened by GaioTransposon - 3
IndexError: list index out of range
#16 opened by GaioTransposon - 2
pangenomes corrupted
#14 opened by GaioTransposon - 4
problems with using standard input
#13 opened by AUAShen - 7
- 0
Wiki installation
#11 opened by fbeghini - 5
Track unknown strains
#12 opened by termithorbor - 4
- 2
Paired end reads
#10 opened by andrewjmc - 7
- 4
about the filename extension
#6 opened by dytk2134 - 6
- 1
- 2
How to obtain chocophlan pangenome.csv?
#2 opened by tamburinif