- 5
Order of distinct and top is wrong
#421 opened by muuvmuuv - 0
Session problem
#457 opened by Thiouzz - 1
- 2
Wrong version in library\Zend\Version.php 1.24.1
#455 opened by adolfo-ubs - 16
Any Plan to make compatible with PHP 8.4 ?
#446 opened by vijaygarg-ahead - 1
Bootstrap error: Unable to resolve plugin "useragent"; no corresponding plugin with that name
#407 opened by adli - 1
- 0
- 1
Zend_Validate::$zfBreakChainOnFailure is deprecated in /var/www/html/vendor/shardj/zf1-future/library/Zend/Form/Element.php on line 1229
#422 opened by salacr - 1
- 6
- 2
[question] Can I use npm or yarn for import javascript and css modules?
#435 opened by francesco-loreti - 6
add TLSv1_3
#427 opened by jirapetr - 4
Compatibility policy, guarantees and docs
#381 opened by boenrobot - 13
Error due to method return annotation
#360 opened by sbutnariu - 0
Checklist to confirm PHP 8.3 compatibility
#450 opened by IMSoP - 1
Checklist to confirm PHP 8.2 compatibility
#449 opened by IMSoP - 3
Documentation Error/Notices if locale is de_DE
#411 opened by Ghardo - 1
- 0
Fix tests with errors/failures
#444 opened by sreichel - 1
preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated "Zend/Db/Statement.php"
#437 opened by batrox - 0
Unable to load newer fonts in Zend_Pdf
#439 opened by dretsa - 0
how to show fatal error ?
#436 opened by TempoJiJi - 1
- 0
- 2
Select is always multiple
#424 opened by tomasr1981 - 0
Zend_View: accessing view variables with value `null` throws error when `strictVars` is active
#426 opened by pluspolleipzig - 0
- 0
Implementation of Zend_Cache_Backend_TwoLevels::_getFastLifetime is incorrect.
#423 opened by ragnese - 1
- 3
Member function process() on null
#418 opened by tomasr1981 - 1
Setting the Request's `_dispatched` flag to `false` in a `preDispatch` hook leads to an infinite loop
#406 opened by lps-dot-dev - 0
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Zend\Config\Factory" not found in /vendor/zendframework/zend-modulemanager/src/Listener/ConfigListener.php on line 376
#409 opened by AvinashDalvi89 - 1
- 1
Newrelic + PHP 8.1 + ZF = E_WARNING
#405 opened by fshsyno - 2
SQL changes depending on one blank space
#400 opened by planegood - 1
Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_AjaxContext And Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ContextSwitch
#395 opened by agarraud - 0
- 5
- 1
Zend_Db_Adapter_Db2 limit does not work
#391 opened by ushiday - 6
Update readme to reflect PHP 8.2 compatibility
#401 opened by alanseiden - 3
iconv() Null Deprecation
#398 opened by kiatng - 1
- 3
Incorrect doctype annotation
#384 opened by beeyev - 2
Zend_Db_Adaper_PDO_Mysql complainting about variable types while setting PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES via application.ini
#382 opened by roshanbudhathoki - 8
Zend db returning everything as string
#362 opened by roshanbudhathoki - 9
Question: Release strategy
#359 opened by develart-projects - 2
- 6
PHP 8.2 - null to string conversion deprecation issue in Zend_Validate_File_Extension
#351 opened by pisc-software - 2