
A IMU-Visual-Tool developed on Qt5.14, communicate with Stm32 by CAN BUS(CAN Open), and send attitude fusion data to ROS node/Rviz for a 3-D visualization

Primary LanguageC++

Servo Analyzer

License Platform Status

  • IMU visual tool

The basic communication-fcn code is written by Hubert Denkmair hubert@denkmair.de

And this project is a specific software created by Qi qi.shield95@foxmail.com to be used for the visualization of IMU sensor, and send attitude fusion data to ROS node such as Rviz for a 3-D visualization

You may find some relevant respositories here:

https://github.com/ShieldQiQi/MRH-HardwareCode https://github.com/ShieldQiQi/Kalman-Filter-Demos https://github.com/ShieldQiQi/MutiFingerHandControl