Trajectory/Motion Prediction Papers

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ICCV 2023

ICCV 2023 All Papers

  • ADAPT: Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Adaptation. arXiv Website

  • BeLFusion: Latent Diffusion for Behavior-Driven Human Motion Prediction. arxiv Code Website

  • EigenTrajectory: Low-Rank Descriptors for Multi-Modal Trajectory Forecasting. arXiv

  • Fast Inference and Update of Probabilistic Density Estimation on Trajectory Prediction. arxiv Code

  • HumanMAC: Masked Motion Completion for Human Motion Prediction. arxiv Code Website

  • TrajPAC: Towards Robustness Verification of Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Models. arxiv

  • INT2: Interactive Trajectory Prediction at Intersections. Code Website

  • R-Pred: Two-Stage Motion Prediction Via Tube-Query Attention-Based Trajectory Refinement. arXiv

CVPR 2023

CVPR 2023 All Paper List

  • Decompose More and Aggregate Better: Two Closer Looks at Frequency Representation Learning for Human Motion Prediction. Paper

  • DeFeeNet: Consecutive 3D Human Motion Prediction with Deviation Feedback. Paper arXiv

  • EqMotion: Equivariant Multi-agent Motion Prediction with Invariant Interaction Reasoning. Paper arXiv Code

  • FEND: A Future Enhanced Distribution-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Long-tail Trajectory Prediction. Paper arXiv

  • FJMP: Factorized Joint Multi-Agent Motion Prediction over Learned Directed Acyclic Interaction Graphs. Paper arXiv Website Code

  • IPCC-TP: Utilizing Incremental Pearson Correlation Coefficient for Joint Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction. Paper arXiv

  • Leapfrog Diffusion Model for Stochastic Trajectory Prediction. Paper arXiv Code

  • MotionDiffuser: Controllable Multi-Agent Motion Prediction using Diffusion. Paper

  • Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving. Paper arXiv Code Website

  • ProphNet: Efficient Agent-Centric Motion Forecasting with Anchor-Informed Proposals. Paper arXiv

  • Query-Centric Trajectory Prediction. Paper Code

  • Stimulus Verification is a Universal and Effective Sampler in Multi-modal Human Trajectory Prediction. Paper

  • Trace and Pace: Controllable Pedestrian Animation via Guided Trajectory Diffusion. Paper arXiv Website

  • Trajectory-Aware Body Interaction Transformer for Multi-Person Pose Forecasting. Paper arXiv Code

  • Uncovering the Missing Pattern: Unified Framework Towards Trajectory Imputation and Prediction. Paper arXiv Code

  • Unsupervised Sampling Promoting for Stochastic Human Trajectory Prediction. Paper arXiv Code

  • ViP3D: End-to-end Visual Trajectory Prediction via 3D Agent Queries. Paper arXiv Website

  • Weakly Supervised Class-agnostic Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving. Paper

ICLR 2023

ICLR 2023 All Paper List List

  • Learning Heterogeneous Interaction Strengths by Trajectory Prediction with Graph Neural Network. OpenReview arXiv
  • Stochastic Multi-Person 3D Motion Forecasting. OpenReview
  • Leveraging Future Relationship Reasoning for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction. OpenReview

ICRA 2023

  • Expanding the Deployment Envelope of Behavior Prediction via Adaptive Meta-Learning. arXiv

arXiv 2022

  • Safety-compliant Generative Adversarial Networks for Human Trajectory Forecasting. arXiv

  • Wayformer: Motion Forecasting via Simple & Efficient Attention Networks. arXiv

CoRL 2022

  • SSL-Lanes: Self-Supervised Learning for Motion Forecasting in Autonomous Driving. arXiv Code

NeurIPS 2022

NeurIPS 2022 All Paper List List

ECCV 2022

ECCV 2022 All Paper List List

  • Action-based Contrastive Learning for Trajectory Prediction. arXiv
  • AdvDO: Realistic Adversarial Attacks for Trajectory Prediction. arXiv
  • Aware of the History: Trajectory Forecasting with the Local Behavior Data. arXiv Code
  • Diverse Human Motion Prediction Guided by Multi-Level Spatial-Temporal Anchors arXiv Code Website
  • D2-TPred: Discontinuous Dependency for Trajectory Prediction under Traffic Lights. arXiv Code
  • Entry-Flipped Transformer for Inference and Prediction of Participant Behavior. arXiv
  • Hierarchical Latent Structure for Multi-Modal Vehicle Trajectory Forecasting. arXiv
  • Human Trajectory Prediction via Neural Social Physics. arXiv Code
  • Learning Pedestrian Group Representations for Multi-modal Trajectory Prediction. arXiv Code Website
  • Overlooked Poses Actually Make Sense: Distilling Privileged Knowledge for Human Motion Prediction. arXiv
  • Polarimetric Pose Prediction. arXiv
  • PreTraM: Self-Supervised Pre-training via Connecting Trajectory and Map. arXiv Code
  • Skeleton-Parted Graph Scattering Networks for 3D Human Motion Prediction. arXiv Code
  • Social-Implicit: Rethinking Trajectory Prediction Evaluation and The Effectiveness of Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimatio. arXiv Code Website
  • Social ODE: Multi-Agent Trajectory Forecasting with Neural Ordinary Differential Equations.
  • Social-SSL: Self-Supervised Cross-Sequence Representation Learning Based on Transformers for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction. Paper Code
  • SocialVAE: Human Trajectory Prediction using Timewise Latents. arXiv Code
  • ST-P3: End-to-end Vision-based Autonomous Driving via Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning. arXiv Code
  • View Vertically: A Hierarchical Network for Trajectory Prediction via Fourier Spectrums. arXiv

CVPR 2022

Trajectory Prediction Related

  • Adaptive Trajectory Prediction via Transferable GNN. arXiv Paper
  • ATPFL: Automatic Trajectory Prediction Model Design Under Federated Learning Framework. Paper
  • Convolutions for Spatial Interaction Modeling. arXiv Paper
  • End-to-End Trajectory Distribution Prediction Based on Occupancy Grid Maps. arXiv Paper Code
  • Forecasting from LiDAR via Future Object Detection. arXiv Paper Code
  • Graph-based Spatial Transformer with Memory Replay for Multi-future Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction. Paper Code
  • GroupNet: Multiscale Hypergraph Neural Networks for Trajectory Prediction with Relational Reasoning. arXiv Paper Code
  • How Many Observations are Enough? Knowledge Distillation for Trajectory Forecasting. arXiv Paper
  • LTP: Lane-Based Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving. Paper
  • M2I: From Factored Marginal Trajectory Prediction to Interactive Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • Neural Prior for Trajectory Estimation. Paper Website
  • Non-Probability Sampling Network for Stochastic Human Trajectory Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • On Adversarial Robustness of Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles. arXiv Paper Code
  • Remember Intentions: Retrospective-Memory-based Trajectory Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • ScePT: Scene-consistent, Policy-based Trajectory Predictions for Planning. Paper Code
  • Stochastic Trajectory Prediction via Motion Indeterminacy Diffusion. arXiv Paper Code
  • Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Works, But Not Everywhere. arXiv Paper Code
  • Whose Track Is It Anyway? Improving Robustness to Tracking Errors With Affinity-Based Trajectory Prediction. Paper Code
  • Goal-driven Self-Attentive Recurrent Networks for Trajectory Prediction. (CVPR'22 Workshop Precognition: Seeing Through the Future) arXiv Paper
  • Importance Is in Your Attention: Agent Importance Prediction for Autonomous Driving. (CVPR'22 Workshop Precognition: Seeing Through the Future) arXiv Paper

Motion Prediction Related

  • BE-STI: Spatial-Temporal Integrated Network for Class-Agnostic Motion Prediction With Bidirectional Enhancement. Paper Code
  • Forecasting Characteristic 3D Poses of Human Actions. arXiv Paper Code
  • HiVT: Hierarchical Vector Transformer for Multi-Agent Motion Prediction. Paper Code
  • Human Trajectory Prediction With Momentary Observation. Paper
  • MotionAug: Augmentation With Physical Correction for Human Motion Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • Motron: Multimodal Probabilistic Human Motion Forecasting. arXiv Paper Code
  • Multi-Objective Diverse Human Motion Prediction With Knowledge Distillation. Paper
  • Multi-Person Extreme Motion Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • Progressively Generating Better Initial Guesses Towards Next Stages for High-Quality Human Motion Prediction. arXiv Paper Code
  • Spatial-Temporal Gating-Adjacency GCN for Human Motion Prediction. arXiv Paper
  • Towards Robust and Adaptive Motion Forecasting: A Causal Representation Perspective. arXiv Paper Code
  • Weakly-Supervised Action Transition Learning for Stochastic Human Motion Prediction. arXiv Paper Code

ICRA 2022

  • Path-Aware Graph Attention for HD Maps in Motion Prediction. arXiv

ICLR 2022

  • D-CODE: Discovering Closed-form ODEs from Observed Trajectories. Paper Code
  • Latent Variable Sequential Set Transformers For Joint Multi-Agent Motion Prediction. Paper Code
  • ProtoRes: Proto-Residual Network for Pose Authoring via Learned Inverse Kinematics. Paper Website
  • Scene Transformer: A Unified Architecture for Predicting Multiple Agent Trajectories. Paper
  • THOMAS: Trajectory Heatmap Output with learned Multi-Agent Sampling. Paper
  • You Mostly Walk Alone: Analyzing Feature Attribution in Trajectory Prediction. Paper