InstantMesh: Efficient 3D Mesh Generation from a Single Image with Sparse-view Large Reconstruction Models
- 45545xax
- AbnerCSZZheJiang University / Alibaba
- AdamdadNational University of Singapore @UCSD @seu
- akatigreKAIST, Rep. of Korea
- arvrschool
- ashawkeyPeking University
- bluestyle97Tencent ARC Lab
- DavidXu-JJCalifornia
- Dwawayu
- florinshen
- ForrestPiXi’an Jiaotong University
- garrettmckayFlorida, USA
- guohengkaiByteDance Inc
- Gymat
- hbb1ShanghaiTech
- hysts
- JinmoKIM1012Seoul National University
- kingnobro
- liewjunhao
- lingtengqiuAlibaba Inc@3DAIGC; Ph.D @GAP-LAB-CUHK-SZ, HIT-SZ M.Sc., FZU B.Eng.; 3D vision, AIGC, AICG
- LiRunyi2001Peking University
- LiuShiyu95
- liyaowei-stu
- llcc343
- Njasa2k
- Paper99@MCG-NKU
- phillipinseoulKAIST
- ShenhanQianTechnical University of Munich
- tb2-sy
- thuwzyTsinghua University
- wenqsunThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- wuxiaolang
- xt4dARC Lab, Tencent
- YixunLiangHKUST(GZ)
- yongbo89