- 5
- 2
Code that allows you to open electronic locks
#457 opened by Esk-C - 1
Invasor de rede
#456 opened by Esk-C - 5
#461 opened by sgf - 1
Dev container
#481 opened by Paulofalcao2002 - 1
- 3
- 1
Conflicting .NET versions on the docs
#463 opened by RicardoRibeiroRodrigues - 4
Replace System.Drawing.Common
#441 opened by siriak - 0
Add Codecov coverage upload with token
#453 opened by siriak - 1
#448 opened by Slava-ezka - 3
Migrate to .NET 8
#425 opened by siriak - 0
Update packages
#442 opened by siriak - 1
Fix BlowfishEncoder or BlowfishEncoderTests
#427 opened by siriak - 2
Implement a common BlockCipherPadding Interface
#410 opened by Kalkwst - 2
Addition of the A* graph search algorithm
#421 opened by el2-d2-42 - 3
Addition of QueueBasedStack
#408 opened by manish0x0f - 4
Contribution Request: Organizing And Adding Dynamic Programming Problems
#398 opened by craftycoder07 - 3
C# implementation of binary search does not run.
#400 opened by almera-vs - 4
BitArray could be using way less memory
#397 opened by Bamboy - 6
#380 opened by deljohnson1 - 4
- 2
#381 opened by deljohnson1 - 34
Add more data structures
#112 opened by siriak - 2
Add more OEIS sequences
#222 opened by siriak - 23
Add more algorithms
#111 opened by siriak - 1
Add something cool
#391 opened by Mertmeral - 2
Dijkstra algorithm not implemented correctly.
#386 opened by nonameeleven - 2
#383 opened by deljohnson1 - 3
- 0
#379 opened by Garnik200701 - 0
#378 opened by Garnik200701 - 4
- 3
Improve Stack array based algorithms
#372 opened by JoaoVictor6 - 3
- 4
- 2
16th of December 2022: will be shut down
#329 opened by pea-sys - 0
TargetFrameworks of projects .Net5.0 → .Net6.0
#325 opened by pea-sys - 0
Add New Algorithm- Z-block substring search
#312 opened by Jenn-1212 - 3
- 5
Why ALL languages uses MIT License while C-Sharps uses (Discouraging non MIT license)?
#277 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 3
Suggestion of a dynamics hierarchical layout to invite more .NET community engagement
#276 opened by GeorgeS2019 - 8
Add search algorithms
#145 opened by beqakd - 1
#210 opened by algobytewise - 2
Replace NUnit with xUnit testing framework
#169 opened by kaydotdev - 3
- 3
Refresh algorithms
#52 opened by siriak - 1
Broken links in
#80 opened by siriak - 1
- 0
Travis CI
#3 opened by AnupKumarPanwar