F1TENTH Webcam Data Recording Pipeline

Indoor F1TENTH Vehicle Outdoor F1TENTH Vehicle
Indoor F1TENTH Vehicle Outdoor F1TENTH Vehicle


  1. Clone this repository.
    $ git clone https://github.com/Tinker-Twins/F1TENTH-Webcam-Data-Recording-Pipeline.git
  2. Move the f1tenth directory to the source space (src) of the Catkin workspace on the vehicle computer.
    $ mv ~/Vehicle\ Software/f1tenth ~/catkin_ws/src/
  3. Build the packages.
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ catkin_make


  • Teleoperation: Launch the teleop.launch file. Refer this document for detailed information.

    $ roslaunch racecar teleop.launch
  • Webcam Bringup: Launch the webcam.launch file. Launches RViz window to show live webcam feed.

    $ roslaunch usb_cam webcam_bringup.launch
  • Data Recording: Launch the data_recording.launch file. Launches teleop.launch as well as webcam.launch files, and records data in a f1tenth_<time_stamp>.bag file.

    $ roslaunch racecar data_recording.launch