
Validates a ReasonerAPI message for BioLink compliance

Primary LanguagePython

Build Status

Validates a ReasonerAPI message for BioLink compliance

Getting started

This service requires python 3.7+

pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn bl_compliance.server:app --reload --port 8000


In the first phase of Translator, the knowledge graph standards working group created a standard schema for data transfer between reasoners, and a standard for representing graphs called the BioLink model. The knowledge graph portion of the reasoner schema defines the graph required to answer a query. For practical reasons, this schema is a more liberal superset of the BioLink Model schema.

This service validates the knowledge graph portion of a ReasonerAPI message. Users can submit either a message object, or the knowledge graph portion of the Reasoner API standard.

Reasoner API examples:
Robokop: https://robokop.renci.org/apidocs/
ICEES: https://icees.renci.org/apidocs/
RTX: https://arax.rtx.ai/api/rtx/v1/ui/

BioLink Model: https://github.com/biolink/biolink-model
Translator Reasoners API: https://github.com/NCATS-Tangerine/NCATS-ReasonerStdAPI
Reasoner API validation service: http://transltr.io:7071/apidocs