
Afamelanotide doesn't map to correct PubChem Identifier

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Entering Afamelanotide into Name Resolver will give you back PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:133083079, which is Afamelanotide acetate; and not the more accurate PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16197727 Afamelanotide.

The latest NameRes does a slightly better job, in that the first four results are:

  • PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16197727 (Afamelanotide)
  • PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16197727 (Afamelanotide) <-- duplicate
  • HMDB:HMDB0254418 (Afamelanotide)
  • HMDB:HMDB0254418 (Afamelanotide) <-- another duplicate

I'll try to figure out the duplication issue first -- the entry is not duplicated in the Babel files, so I think I might have accidentally loaded a file twice. The cliquing issue will probably take longer to work out.